Some Basic Questions, Need help....


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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2007
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Ok my tama is 4 years old basically a adult now... My skill points are at 81% for Intellengence... When will my tama graduate from school? And then get the mail for a job offer? I've been playing the mini game at school... Guessing which box has the pencil... Is there something else I have to do?

Oh and I also noticed that my tama isn't poddy trained yet... I have 5% out of 9 I believe... My tama doesn't beep when he goes to the bathroom, which makes it very hard to train him... I've only got the 5% for when he needed some praising...

And one last thing, sometimes my tama won't do something... When I try playing games with him, he'll just shake his head for No... He does this when his Happy Hearts are already filled... So what should I do? Give him a Time Out or something?

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Hi there. I am new to the v4 too.

My tama is 3 years old and he is still at school. On the intruction manual it says you get offered a job at 5 years of age, but I am really not sure. I don't think there is anything else to do at school except guessing the boxes.

My training bar is full, at 9/9, but my tama isn't toilet trained. I am not sure if you can because you can't for the v2 and v3. My tama doesn't beep when he goes to the bathroom either.

As for the games, you can only play games with it when its weight is at least 3 lb above the minimum. E.g. for an adult, the minimum weight is 30lb so to be able to play games, you need it to be at least 33lb. If he is not heavy enough, feed him snacks and he will gain some weight.

Hope I helped! ;)

Yes the tama's can be trained for the V4. V4.5... But I'm not sure how to do it though... I also have another question... I've noticed that the Shop doesn't get much food, or items... It's difficult to get the tickets... And I want to visit around the world to get the items... I'm trying to collect all 32.... Is there any way that I can get those tickets? Maybe a password or something?

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Have you checked They might have the passwords for the tickets. The shop stocks tickets only occasionally, so keep checking back!

First of all, what do you mean by "81% for Intelligence?" Percent means "out of 100" as I'm sure you know. There is no "out of 100" for skill points. Basically you just raise the skill points as much as you want to. The more skill points, the more it helps.

Secondly, your Tamagotchi will graduate from school if your Tamagotchi has been unpaused and awake for 24 hours after it evolves into an adult.

Thirdly, that's all you do at the school. Every time you guess correctly your Tamagotchi gets three skill points (3 Intelligence points if the teacher is Mr. Turtlepedia, 3 Style points if the teacher is Ms. Flower and 3 Kindness points if the teacher is Mr. Canvas). When your Tamagotchi meets a teacher for the FIRST TIME (when you get the [ ! ] mail letting you go to school) you can scroll through the teachers by pressing the A or C buttons. A tip for the school game: When two boxes flash, it means they've switched.

Fourthly, to my knowledge a Tamagotchi cannot be potty trained. Nobody has ever been able to do it before as far as I know.

Fifthly, what do you mean by "5%?" I'm assuming you mean 5 marks on the training bar (though 5% would be less than 0.5 of a mark). The training bar should read "Discipline" for it to make sense, seriously. When your Tamagotchi beeps and has at least one hunger heart full AND one happy heart full and isn't ill, punish it for beeping at you for no reason. When your Tamagotchi cries and has at least one hunger heart full AND one happy heart full, praise it to comfort it. Also, if you have another Tamagotchi of the SAME version, wrap a present and send it over and your Tamagotchi sends something nasty (like poop), it'll sit at the BOTTOM of your screen and grimace. At this time you should punish it.

Sixthly, you should NOT give your Tamagotchi a time out. One of my worst memories is when I was on my 10th Generation and I was raising an Oniontchi named Gotch on my v1 and I wanted my first Mimitchi. Someone wanted to look at my Tamagotchi so I let them. Guess what? They tried to play games, and since they couldn't because my Tamagotchi was at such a low weight, they punished it three times. I was fuming. By the way, I was pretty lucky- I still got my first Mimitchi.

Anyway, a Tamagotchi won't play games if it's too close to its minimum weight. For example, if you have a Tamagotchi that has a minimum weight of 10g, it won't play games until it weighs 13g.

Seventhly, Tamagotchi Town does not have passwords for the tickets. You'll have to search your shop. Be sure to raise a lot of Gotchi Points, as those tickets are REALLY expensive (I seem to recall one being 20 000p). To make the shop restock, set the time to 2.59pm or 6.59pm and wait one minute.

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The Toilet Icon (Icon Three)
- When your tamagotchi makes a mess use this icon to clean it up. Just press the B button when you've highlighted the Toilet icon and the mess is cleaned up.

- You can also use this icon when your tamagotchi needs toilet training and there are squiggly lines on either sides of your tamagotchi. Using the Toilet when this happens results in your tamagotchi gaining on Training bar.

You can toilet train your tama... And there have been several posts talking about it... Your tama uses a poddy when a toddler and teen... Then as a adult you use a full toilet... :D

Also I know half of the stuff that you suggested... However there was some stuff I didn't know... Such as I have to keep my tama unpaused for 24 hours in order to graduate school... And how to win at the school mini game... :)

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