Some questions about the ID l


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May 22, 2013
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Hi everyone! Well, when I was 9 years old I had a tamagotchi v1 and after that an v2. Few weeks ago I decided buying an idl english version in a nostalgic streak. It arrived three days ago. I have to say it is totally worth. But I have a few questions about it:

1- Is there any shop where I can buy any food to take home? Like rice bowl I mean.

2 - How does the happiness bar works? I mean, apart for the initial yellow bar, you unlock another coloured bars when your tama is very very happy. And you recive a flower sticker. Does those stickers have any uses¿ and the bars¿

3- Where can I adopt a pet¿

4- Can my tama get married whitout connecting to other tamas? I don't have another color tamagotchi and I dunno nobody who have one near of me

Thanks for your atention and please forgive my bad english

1: You can buy food by selecting Meal and Snack in the food icon, but some food shops are unlockable, by when the get older, and the Tama Meal and Tama Snack is when you are on a 2nd generation eg, if your girl has a baby boy and he turns to an adult, he will be able to eat the Tama Snack for free. Oh and girls cook the Snack and boys cook the meal

2.Eat candy or play games or use items to fill the happy bar and the flower stickers are Happy Symbols. When they are an adult, they have favourite foods, items and clothes which you have to buy for them, and there is a topic somewhere with each characters happy symbols. Remember, its only for the Adult/ Friend stage. There are 3 happy symbols and the last is obtained for having your character for at least 48 hours. It will always have an animation if you have the correct item.

3.If your character is an adult, visit the park and you will see Tama-characters and Tama-Pets there. Play with the same pet 3 times and you will be able to take it home. The characters who show up are random and will not always be the one you want to meet, so keep trying. and there is 10 unlockable pets :)

4. When your character is an Adult and is at least 1 day old i think, they can go to the Matchmaker option on the second page just under the DRESSMAKER. Its better to marry them when you have finished their happy symbols, so they turn into a tamatomo, and the more tamatomos you have, the more destinations and icon banner you achieve.

If you need anymore help just ask :)

I think what you meant was can you buy food to put on your fridge right? Well you can't however you can get things like vegetables and fruit for your fridge by buying seeds and growing them.

Thank you Hayden, your answer was very helpful. And thank you too furbitchi, I noticed that about vegetables and fruit..I just was wondering if there is any shop where you an buy food to take into the fridge....because when your tama becomes an adult, he doesn`t want rice anymore and you have always to take him to the restaurant

Nope, you have to go to the restaurant and feed them there, or what I do I just MAKE them eat rice XD saves monies

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