Something about Tama-go


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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hi im not a new tama owner but i want to ask does tama-go has to do anything with odd/even generation? cuz i got both pipotchi on 5th,3rd gen (odd) and violetchi on the 4th (even) kikitchi 2nd (even) kuromametchi 1st(odd) :huh: ANSWER ME ASAP PLS

I don't think anyone has figured out a growth chart yet; There are many theories about training, food, happiness, pee pee wiggle dances, and, yes, generations, but no one is able to figure it out.

Yes, the generations do have an effect but it is different for the wave 1 (Comes in blue, green, and white) and wave 2 (Comes in black, pink, and purple) Tama-Gos. For example, you get Lovelitchi on an odd generation on a wave 1 Tama-Go, but on an even generation on a wave 2 Tama-Go.

I know all the generations they have to be, so I might make a growth chart sometime. You can PM me if you want to know what generation your Tama has to be for a certain character if you like.

There are two characters, one for each generation number, for each level of care. For example, on Wave 1, Mametchi and Kuromametchi are both gained by perfect care but Mametchi is only obtainable on odd generations and Kuromametchi is only obtained on even generations (on the Wave 2 Tama-Go series, it's the other way around--Mametchi is on even generations and Kuromametchi is on odd generations).

As far as I can tell VioletchiChillluvr3 is right. No one has specifically figured out a growth chart. There are theories about generations but they are just that theories if they were more there would be a complete growth guide posted somewhere and that hasn't happened yet, as it probably never will be. They have been out for years now so I think you are out of luck. It is probably a coincedence you got them twice on different generations. That has happened to me on my v4.5 but that doesn't mean it depends on gender. My guess would be it all depends on how you take care of your tama that depends on its growth. Bad care results in a bad tama. There is probably a series of care misses people haven't seen. anyways You don't need to understand your tama sometimes they do things you wont understand.

I don't think anyone has figured out a growth chart yet; There are many theories about training, food, happiness, pee pee wiggle dances, and, yes, generations, but no one is able to figure it out.
A chart had been figured out- just google tama-go growth chart.

Well, I have gotten Violetchi a million times on my wave 1 Tama-Go, and it was always on even generation. I got Lovelitchi a million times, it was always on odd generation. I don't think it's a coincidence! ;)

Well Don't you think that if it wasn't a coincidence, this answer would be well known. It wouldn't take people years to figure out.EMF if you were able to figure this out how come others haven't been able to. Yes there is a growth chart but its not really a chart its simply a list of characters organized into 4 categories Baby, toddler, teen, adult, and oldies, on the side because they are not categorized. BTW I looked at the growth chart but the image I found was on imageshack and it always tries to give me virus's. If it tells you there is a virus on your comp don't listen X out. Anyways EMF I was not saying you are wrong I am just saying my opinion is it is a coincidence.

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THNK U ALL VERY MUCH FOR THE REPLY AND STUFF ESPECIALLY ETERNAL MAMETCHI FAN UR RIGHT!! I GOT MAMETCHI!!!! WOOOHOOO IM SO FREAKIN HAPPY NOW , oh and for what gen i got mametchi is in the 6th gen(even) u all can continue to post if u want like : growth charts about even/odd or stuff like that etc. TY!

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