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Oct 28, 2006
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We all know we can't 100% take good care of our tamas,especially with falling asleep,losing it,or being distracted by another situation. Heres my little tip for you,if you already haven't notice.

If you leave your tama alone for a long time,it can get sick,poop is everywhere,it's hungry and upest,even worse (dead). Flip your tama around,take a pen,pencil,or toothpick,and then poke the hole.

MAKE SURE TO PRESS DOWNLOAD WHEN IT RESETS. Then your tama will be normal like it was a few hours ago,or okay but with little or no hearts. Hurry up and fill them and you're pet will be healthy and happy again. This may reduce the time,taking it longer for them to grow (if it's not already a adult),but at least it'll give you a better chance at getting a certain character if you wish.

have you tryed it? :furawatchi:

cause i have it didn't work :wacko:

but i'll try again if it ever dies!

löl, not if it dies

read the post again^^

We all know we can't 100% take good care of our tamas,especially with falling asleep,losing it,or being distracted by another situation. Heres my little tip for you,if you already haven't notice. If you leave your tama alone for a long time,it can get sick,poop is everywhere,it's hungry and upest,even worse (dead). Flip your tama around,take a pen,pencil,or toothpick,and then poke the hole.

MAKE SURE TO PRESS DOWNLOAD WHEN IT RESETS. Then your tama will be normal like it was a few hours ago,or okay but with little or no hearts. Hurry up and fill them and you're pet will be healthy and happy again. This may reduce the time,taking it longer for them to grow (if it's not already a adult),but at least it'll give you a better chance at getting a certain character if you wish.
i have an even beter idea! you can pause it or if you dont want to stop its growth(by pausing it) you can jsut change the time to the time it goes to bed.

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