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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2006
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I was just curious, because I just wrote a song out of nowhere... For no reason.. And I really like it! Although it sounds... I dunno. I want to say Emo, but that's the wrong label... I call it Ever-Lasting Rain. Here 'goes:

Take me somewhere,


Where I can live in peace.

Take me away,

So far away,

Where you can't hear my screams.

My screams for Comfort.

My screams of Pain.

Screams that ring out,

That echo in my brain.

Memories that

Won't go Away

An Ever-Lasting Rain.

An Ever-Lasting Rain.

Ever-lasting Ra-e-ain...

An Ever-Lasting Rain.


Tell me what you think of it! It took about an hour to come up with, and just so you know, it doesn't have a 'Sweet-Beat' to it. I figured out the tune on keyboard, by ear. No notes.

Please post your own. Now I'm interested.. Darn. :chohimetchi:!

That's why I said Emo didn't sound right... Actually, it does in a way, cause Emo stands for "Emotional"... But whatever. :D

Thanks! ^^ I started it when I was angry with my sister, but when the anger wore off, well, I didn't really know what else to write, so I had to make the rest up... It ended up pretty short, so I was thinking about adding more... Later, anyway.

I've never really tried. Actualy, wait, that's a lie.

I'd have to find it though.

I'm not talented in the musical arts, but then again, not many people are. (D: Not saying that you aren't.. I mean a lot of people can only play the songs, not make them..)

I'm not talented in the musical arts, but then again, not many people are. (D: Not saying that you aren't.. I mean a lot of people can only play the songs, not make them..)
Playing music is considered the 'arts'. o_O

Well, I can't find my song. It was a really stupid one about an eyeball named Bob. xD You may remember it.

I can only play music, not sing it nor wright it.

All the time, I have probabaly written well over 200 or something xD.

Its just like a small escape, something to express yourself even if no one sees it.



I write mine l8er cause i'm tired and it's like 2:10 am here

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Playing music is considered the 'arts'. o_O
Well, that's dumb. All it's made of it remembering fingerings and dynamics and vibrato if you get up there. >:0 That's not intellegence, that's just repeating things!

Well, that's dumb. All it's made of it remembering fingerings and dynamics and vibrato if you get up there. >:0 That's not intellegence, that's just repeating things!
It takes smarts to remember fingering teniques and being able to read sheet music. It's not just repeating things.

If slaping a paintbrush on a piece of paper is art, then playing music and studying music is considered art. Music is a way to express yourself even if you can't write or read sheet music. That's why it is written, so other people can play it.

Aw, your song is cool!


I've written lots of songs... not very good ones... I'm no good at anything to do with music except listening to it REALLY LOUD and annoying my mom and dad.

I write several short stupid songs, then forget them. Such as one I just wrote a few minutes ago while singing to my cat.

"You're a hamster,

You're a hamster,

In the morning, night, and afternoon.

You're a hamster,

You're a hamster,

How I wish I could be a hamster, too"

And me and honk7890 write several quality songs together.

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I write several short stupid songs, then forget them. Such as one I just wrote a few minutes ago while singing to my cat. "You're a hamster,

You're a hamster,

In the morning, night, and afternoon.

You're a hamster,

You're a hamster,

How I wish I could be a hamster, too"

And me and honk7890 write several quality songs together.
I love that you were singing this to your cat. XD

I've written several. Most of them are Christian, but there is one that I'm still working on that is a possible break up song.

Don't blow me a kiss

Don't say good-bye

Don't tell me that you will be there till the day I die


Don't tell me this

Don't tell me that

Don't tell me you gonna be there when you're not.


you brush me off your shoulder,

as if I was a bug.

Yet all I really wanted,

Was the love in a hug...

Now it's too late,

You see what you've done!

You chased me into a corner.

Leaving me no where else to run.


Don't blow me a kiss

Don't say good-bye

Don't tell me that you're gonna be there till I die.


Don't tell me this,

Don't tell me that.

Don't tell me that you're gonna be there when you're not.


That's pretty much all I've gotten. I think I might chage it a little before I ever sing it to anyone and before I finish it.

I also like to write parodies of other songs..

(Bubbleicious so delicious make my tounge go loco! :( )

I wrote this one Christian song that I liked alot. I't called 24/7... I have it written down somewhere....

(several minutes later)

gr... I can't find it...

oh, well! :p

I did alot of songs and i did a beat on the guitar and it's called as I am and i think it's my best.I also did Insomatic Moon and Sweet Dreams which i thought were good.I just wrote insomatic moon last night.
