Souvenir 32 has been discovered!


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Wow!I didn't know the famous pichtrue was the 32nd sovinore,or is it.We have to find out.

ok people i know what to do!

1st time you go there : bicycle

2nd time you go there : Plant (not a souvenir)

3rd time you go there : Famous picture (looks like this guy :)

I don't know what's next though you could get even more stuff though!!!

:D :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

ok i went there again and they told me to go t my parents house so the grand parents don't have anything else to give

So i went to the parent's house and since i already had the cellphone they told me to go to the grandparents house

so i guess that's all they have

:wacko: :wacko: :blink: :) :D :wacko:

friendslist -> family -> parent, a 2 choose the right tama then b till u get pw, b prepared 2 write down

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