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Well gee thanks alot Gary! :p Lol and I thought you meant the ham lol.

Im going to find the person that invented it and strangle them


but its SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying

When people were spamming and spam wasn't yet a word, some annoyed dude on the forum declared that the other people were spamming. And that's how it came to be. The end.

(btw, are you tamagotchi_pal?)

SPAM (The internet kind) is called SPAM (The food kind) because SPAM (The food kind) is "everywhere".

That's how they came up with the name for SPAM (The internet kind).

No kidding ;)

Everyone, I guess. Random people started posting annoying, pointless things everywhere.

When people were spamming and spam wasn't yet a word, some annoyed dude on the forum declared that the other people were spamming. And that's how it came to be. The end.
(btw, are you tamagotchi_pal?)
I guess so. xD

(psst... yeah.. don't tell ANYONE =D)

Nobody. People just do it to annoy eachother......and eventually they got so pissyed off, they made an acronym for it. :3 SPAM.


Some idiot that thought it was fun to glomp the keyboard.

And then other idiots followed him. D=

Supposedly someone came up with the phase after watching a Monty Python sketch, because of the repetitive use of the word 'spam' in it. The first spam was by a computer company sending a mass e-mail to a load of people inviting them to try out a new computer.(Information courtorsy of my collection of Guiness books of world records)

:angry: TamagotchiGirl2007 -_-

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