Special things like debugging, days, characters...


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
As you all know, I love tamas, right? So I do tests and sometimes it works and sometimes - not. :angry:


You can choose characters, hyperspeed, and more, but you'll have to debug it first. Here's how:

Take the first back off as if you were going to change the battery. Take the battery out. (You're gonna have to)

Use a teeny tiny screw driver to take the 4 small screws out of the back. Once you have done this, I advise you NOT to pick up your tamagotchi because it will break open and you might not be ready to catch the side with the screen and circuit board.

Carefully pull the tamagotchi apart. You will see a green card. The reset button and the infra red cover might fall off, but you can always place them with the back. It will have the place where the battery was, and you might as well put the battery back in (but NOT so you hear the beep cause that means it started up again).

Then look on the lefthand side and below the battery. You will see 2 haves of a circle. They will look like metal. Use a dull graphite pencil to rub them and make a lead between them.

Make sure you haven't done anything to the circuit board. Then put the reset button in and hold the infra red cover while you put the tama back together again. Then screw the screws back in.

Put the battery back in, and put the first back on. You'll hear a BEEEEEEEEEP! Check the screen. An egg should be bouncing - and quickly! Press B and choose RESET. Set the time, date and birthday and then the egg will hatch right away. (if you press C) Then when you see a baby boy press A to go through all the different characters there are! There are some that are not fully functional, and if you choose baby girl or old woman the gender will change into a girl.

Name it, and everything, and you will have a baby. Press C alot of hyperspeed - it speeds up your tama's growth!

Dates! (I mean special days)

Here are some special tama days, and I hope you like them.

Easter: this only works with v2 and v3 adults. set the date to 3/14. March 14th.

This works for all gotchis (not v1s): You will probably have a cookie or noodles in your shop the whole day. They will be in Treat if you have v2, noodles in Meal, cookie in Snack for v3.

Christmas: Set the date to 12/24. Time 10:29pm. Your tama will be asleep. Wait for a minute, and then Santa will come!! And in the morning on 12/25 you'll see a Christmas tree with your tama.

Valentines day: Set the date to 2/14. There will be a chocolate heart in your shop if you have v2 or v3. Your tama might sing hearts, or have a snowman above it.

Halloween: Set the date to 10/31. You will see a pumpkin with your tama! No special shop thing, though.

I don't know any more, so now I'll move on.


Lots of codes!

V2 shop codes:






Surprise! I'm not going to ruin the fun by telling you the items and foods.

V3 shop codes:








I'll show more soon!

Here are some codes that don't need a specific username - they work on all.








drawing pen

That is all I know for this...

maybe I'll show some character growths. (for v3)

Odd generations:

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Tamatchi > Obotchi > Mametchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Tamatchi > Obotchi > Pyonkotchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Tamatchi > Obotchi > Memetchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Tamatchi > Obotchi > Paparatchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Tamatchi > Piroriroritchi > Kurokotchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Piroriroritchi/Nikatchi > Megatchi

Even generations:

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Hikotchi > Decotchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Young Mimitchi > Robotchi/Androtchi

Shiroteletchi/Teletchi > Mohitamatchi > Young Mimitchi > Gozarutchi

That's all I really know for now - more later!!!

That was terrific!!! Thank you mimitchi&hanatchilover. You did a great job on figuring those out ;) :blink: :)

Me and my dad debugged my V3 from a different part of the site, and it took us a couple of times to figure out what to do with that DEBUG circle. :p But we (I ;) ) finally thought of the pecil led of justice! :hitodetchi: All you have to do is find that DEBUG circle, and fill the middle with pencil led! But place the battery on where it's made to go, really quick, as if it were to stay there until it's all outta "juice". If it's shaking so fast that you need to focus on it to see it shake, It's DEBUGED. :D And, of course, "I'M GONNA MAKE IT A HANATCHI, DADDY!" :ph34r: :) :blink: ;)

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thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the codes . Itried them all and they all worked whoot :furawatchi: :D

My tama kept on having a battery thing appearing, even though i changed the battery 3 times, but after debugging, it worked! Thanx a lot!

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :marumimitchi:

The clone code only worked for one of my tama..the other one didn't work..just kept saying error..

Sorry my bad I had the clone in my item list already..and i enter the code again..duh to me..also forgot to say thanks for the codes! U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shouldnt have spoke too soon.......................... :mimitchi:

: :p THE 2 USERNAMELES CODES WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) :eek: B) B) B) P.S. the clone looks W-I-E-R-D!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Yeah My tama is debugged and I have a v2 and a V3. They both have all the items you can get including the cloner device and the pen. B) :eek: :eek: B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) :p B)

what is the circuit board cos i tried debugging my brothers and the screen was blank

:angry: :D :huh: What the heck does the clone DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????? :furawatchi: :wacko: :huh:
is it possible to un-debug??? :lol: :) :D :p :pochitchi: :lol:
yes, in fact. You just wipe off the led with a Q-tip and voila! Hope I helped! And P.S. everyone, WARNING: If you are obsessed with the king, putting in codes for dinky suveneirs, or having a username, DON'T DEBUG!!! And that's THE WORST that could happen besides cutting the sound cord, which you'd have to be a total Jack to do, no offense.

:furawatchi: That was freat info! U r obviously a very clever tama owner!Keep up the excellent work!!! :unsure: i'm very eager to try out the codes when my v3 arrives
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