Spelling bees


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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What is the point of spelling bees?

All it is, is a bunch of Geeks proving they can spell a word. I mean. -Claps hands- 'Well done, you spelt a word that has been spelt over 1 million times. Let's give you money and prizes.' It's pathetic.

I rather have people who can spell at least spell, then people who can't spell and label them as "geeks".

The point is to encourage good spelling in the school systems. Kind of like "1 dollar for every A you get". But don't discourage people. x_X If you can't spell you won't get a job.

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The point is they get money for doing something thousands of others can do.
They also get money for doing something thousands of others cannot do ... :ichigotchi:

Good spelling is a part of good communication

Good communication is a part of good social skills

Good social skills are invaluable in today's world, and not enough ppl have them :wacko:

Actually, there is a point.

With 'txt tlk' sweeping over the world, it's kind if important to know if our children can spell anymore. And although the content of the first few rounds of a spelling bee may be 'easy'... the later words can be quite difficult. Try spelling crustaceology or appoggiatura.

Oh yeah, don't label all people who are in spelling bees 'geeks'. It's stereotypical. ;)



I feel so highly appreciated.

I am in my school spelling bee every year, and I do well. Do you know many people who can spell polytetrafluoroethelyne in the seventh grade? Most can't even pronounce it.

So, I am a geek. How is that fair?

I have a talent, simple as that. Many people can not do this, many kids are turned down. Only a few make it to the nationals, and only one wins. So, is that person who wins a geek, because they take the time to learn and accomplish this?

And it isn't easy.

Language of origin.

Root word.

Prefix, Suffix, Part of speech, part of grammar, used in a sentance.

Most words that are spelled by these seventh, eaith, and ninth graders aren't common among adults, and they spell them correctly, because they took the time to learn.

Very geeky.

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So your disagreeing with being able to spell words?

wtf, k first off you dont label people as "geeks". Its like someone smart or as you call them "geeks" walking up to you and saying you are retarded because you cant spell polytetrafluoroethelyne (Word taken from ~Rebecca xD!) Spelling is a part of life. They took the time to use their free time to study and spell words. Idiot, don't label people for their abilities.

But some are really hard. You really shouldent say that about people and Spelling Bees. I was in one -.-

So your disagreeing with being able to spell words? wtf, k first off you dont label people as "geeks". Its like someone smart or as you call them "geeks" walking up to you and saying you are retarded because you cant spell polytetrafluoroethelyne (Word taken from ~Rebecca xD!) Spelling is a part of life. They took the time to use their free time to study and spell words. Idiot, don't label people for their abilities.
I know what it means too ^-^ Yay Polytetrafluoroethelyne!

Tis Teflon.

You read my post above, really.

-lWeride, You rock xD

Well..here's how it goes. If you win the National Spelling Bee, you win thousands of dollars and I think a scholarship..correct? :furawatchi:

Well, first you go to the state spelling bee, which is selected by very talented spellers, and then you go to the national if you win the state..correct? I've never been in a spelling bee, but I've watched the National. :mellow:

Spelling bees are fun =DDD I've only been in one, and it was only a dumb school one. We were put into two teams. Unforunately, our team lost because we had a bunch of idiots who couldn't spell the simplest words.... -.- Oh well. It was fun xD Oh, and polytetrafluoroethelyne is an awesome word. :(

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What is the point of spelling bees?
All it is, is a bunch of Geeks proving they can spell a word. I mean. -Claps hands- 'Well done, you spelt a word that has been spelt over 1 million times. Let's give you money and prizes.' It's pathetic.
Do you know how hard it is to spell some of those words? And how young they are too?!

I'm so happy that people can spell words these days.

Because it give me hope for our future.

I agree with the previous posts in saying your thoughts on spelling bees and labelling such people for enjoying them are quite negative and narrowminded. It's ok not to like something but it's not a good thing to hurt other people's feelings over them. I suggest when you have another point of view about something like this that you choose your wording more carefully as it could cause the conversation to turn one sided or start an arguement...and arguements don't stay open topics :(

Even after that I'm annoyed.

I just won the Class and School spelling bee.

Spelling is not a bad thing.

It means you're alive,

it means you pay attention.

ive made it to regionals. i really dont like them and i get all nervous and about die. lol! but they do teach you to spell. it is one of my talents

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