Spider, so scary


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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My mom got bit by one and she said there could be one in our house. I am scared. Then At night I was crying and she told me when brown recluses' bite, they die. I didn't believe, her. Was she right? Please tell more info about these spiders. Oh and by the way, my mom is fine and she is on medication.

A brown recluse spider will not kill you.

The brown recluse's bite contains a venom that makes your skin blister and fall off at the bite site. It is not pleasant, but unless your wound becomes huge and severely infected, you won't even have a possibility of dying. As long as you go to the doctor if your skin is falling off at the bite site and get some antibiotics and possibly a certain patch that some doctors who are knowledgeable on the subject have(must Google, the name escapes me currently)you have very little to worry about.

So many people confuse the brown recluse facts with the black widow. They are completely different in appearance, behaviour, and venom effects.

*Brown recluse are small, spindly, brown spiders who run along the walls and ceilings of dark, damp, quiet places. There are several species of common harmless spiders who have the same violin-type markings on the back as a brown recluse, but will cause no skin damage. Most of the time, if you think you've seen a brown recluse...you h aven't. It was a lookalike. :D

*Black widow are medium sized, heavy bodied, shiny black spiders that live on a web it's entire life. It has a telltale bright red hourglass shape marking on the belly. The black widow, along with the brown recluse, is very docile and reluctant to bite. They live in webs in hot, dry areas such as the American South/Southwest.You will find these out in the open, unlike the brown recluse who hides all the time. The black widow venom affects your nerves and muscles, causing little to no blistering at the bite, but instead giving you the worst full-body cramps and spasms of your life. It is rare for a bite to kill a human, but it has happened in the p ast.

I know people who have been bitten by both kinds of spiders, and while the skin loss associated with the brown recluse is unpleasant...some people say that the pain of a black widow bite is so bad and so long lasting(up to a number of weeks) they almost wished they had died.

The moral of the story is...these spiders are not out to bite you. They just want to live in peace and quiet. No spider attacks humans, they just defend themselves. Don't worry about being bitten by one of these guys. Accidents do happen, but they are rare. As long as you don't try to handle them(which I don't think you will), you will be just fine! <_<

my sister got biten by a brown reculas (sp?)

her hand looked like a purple ballon :D

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