Spinning/Twirling habits


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Lul, do you spin or twirl a lot? Is it like an bad itch you need to scratch?

Whenever I'm randomly in a store shopping I'll spin or twirl occasionally while I'm moving.

I do, its fun. It helps if my Foot has fallen asleep too.

Its Especially fun in stores, spinning/twirling around until you bump into something.

Aha well I'm a figure skater, so I get used to twirling many times a day.. usually I spin around when I hear music.

I do that when I'm with a large group of people,

They'll all be walking in a huge line,

And I'll be at the front, walking backwards, and twirling occasionally.

It's a habit.

But yeah, at school, we go to the oval and randomly start spinning like freaks. [:

Doing it with our eyes closed is even funner. As well as going as fast as possible.

Hmm...not necessarily. I never do it out of habit. It's like something to distract me. I don't twirl myself around (at least not everyday), it's usually just a key chain or something like that. Twirling myself makes me dizzy. I did that too much when I was 2 and threw up on Mom's best carpet. DDDx

I do it to annoy people, if im walking with my friends i'll spin-walk in front of them to make them dizzy XD

^ Oh gosh, I have one of those. I'm in it now. :) It's really big and leathery. xDDDD

Anywho, when I do spin, I don't actually do a full spin. I just twirl my body left to right back and forth. And like I said, it's usually when I want something. x3

Edit - Typo.

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I'm always walking in circles. Usually when I'm waiting for something, talking on the phone or when I'm on line for something. It drives everyone in my family insane XD
same here. i like to walk.

Ohhh lol, you mean with your body? Ha ha. See the thing is, I'm apart of my school's colorguard. For those of you who don't know what that is, I spin and do tricks with flags, rifles, and sabers (swords). Ever since I joined (I'm on my second year) I spin everything I can get my hands on. Broom sticks, umbrellas. Anything spinable I spin, lol.

I spin/twirl myself when I'm bored. I was once known as the "Spinning Queen" at Girl Guides because I was able to spin around longer than everyone else xD

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