spot and mocha


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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2009
Reaction score
Wyoming, MI
Does any body want to join the spot and mocha group?

if you do, i will PM you the spot code!

no thanks and didnt i give you that code!!!!! :) :angry:

plz dont pretend like you got it yourself by yourself only i thank kuromametchi529 for my code :) THANK YOU!!!! anyway what is the gme realy about!?!?!?!

Some familiar user names in this "Spot & Mocha" codes thread seem to have pretty short memories :(

I have already closed "Codes" topics with explanatory notes / warnings.

Here's one you should all read:

Being rude or mean to someone on the TamaTalk forums is inappropriate behaviour and against site rules. Please don't.

Several members already know this and I'm disappointed to have to be reminding everyone again. If reminders are not working I will just dish out negative karma and put posts on moderator preview to be checked by a Guide before they appear on the forums.

Please stay polite and respectful everyone. No more arguments and mean posts :(

It's not nice.

Just to me, this seems like spam. ._.

And really, I've seen that people cracked the code for spot and mocha. I feel I don't need to join a group to get a password. o_O Eventually they should become available.

i'll join so i can try the spot code!!! plus can you just log in as your tama in a spot costume or am i mistaking? I don't think so but i would like to know!

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