Spring break + homework =


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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So... has anyone else NOT done their homework for spring break? I haven't done ANYTHING!!! I'm hoping I can finish my homework...

AND to those who didn't have spring break homework, SHAME ON YOU!!

AND to those who didn't have spring break, =[.

Oh yeah. I am the Queen of procrastination. Which reminds me, I have a Spanish project due this Wednesday. I should probably start it. But I'll have my happy time first. That's usually my excuse. XD

Oh yeah. I am the Queen of procrastination. Which reminds me, I have a Spanish project due this Wednesday. I should probably start it. But I'll have my happy time first. That's usually my excuse. XD
xD Same here. I do everything at the last minute...

I don't get homeworkon breakes or weekends.Well..I have a couple of times.I hate home work.If I don't do it,I hav so much guilt,but if I do,it tires me.

I do all of my homework last minute. x33

Anywayy.. Spring Break is in like april. o;

But I do have a project to do. Dx And I haven't started yett... x33

It's a music project.. you're supposed to choose a song that describes you...

D: I'm having trouble choosing... x3

Well, my school combines Spring Break and Easter Break together. And even during Easter, we don't get that much. We're getting two extra days this year really - they made a new rule, that they couldn't take Easter Break away for snow days.

We get off the Thursday and Friday before Easter, and the Monday and Tuesday after. Not even a whole week. D;

It depresses me.

But, on the other hand, I AM procrastinating right now. I have to study for a huge Biology test tomorrow, but I can't focus today.

I have to finish reading chapters 10-14 in Great Expectations (Charles Dickens) and finish the study guide.

And I have to study for a Geometry test I have to make up tomorrow.

I just can't focus today. -twitch- I've tried. I'm gonna resort to only half-focusing, and watch America's Next Top Model WHILE working on Great Expectations. ;33

We probably won't get any homework over Easter. Or it'll be kept to a minimum. I'll probably have some Great Expectiations to deal with, but that should be it.

Right now, I have to make a poster with info about two under sea creatures that live near hydrothermal vents and write a play.

I was supposed to finish some Chinese homework but I didn't. I'll do it later. I was supposed to be studying everday for exams this week but I've only looked at my math. :X

ahaha, I just realized that I got homework! It's the last day of my break at 8:30 at night XD an I've got to do it..

there's WAY too much homework, it's not fair how we spend most of our time working and no time having any fun =(

but.... I have to do it no matter how much I hate it... I wish I could leave it but I want good grades. goodbye everybody :p

We have no spring break because it's not spring :0

We also have no homework for the holidays unless you love the teacher so much, you do extra homework. We're having Easter Break in a couple of weeks. Two weeks off school, HOOZAH!

No spring break for Ginny yet. :l It's in April. Ah well, yeah, I procrastinate a lot. Which is why my science project was late, which is why I have a bad grade (I think).

I got alot of homework. But I didnt mind I got it done by thursday. Speaking of which I have to write a 5 paragraph essay after dinner and a math paper. I have such an easy life.....

Uh yeah. I like getting good grades, but I don't like homework. Ugh. Yeah. ::]

Edit; !!! Ohnoes we were talking about Spring Break! I thought about summer school! xD

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We haven't got our spring break 'till April sadly. But we have got a project. Which has to be in by the 31th. Which is soooo boring. I can't be bothered to do it though...

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