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May 10, 2011
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Well, I thought it would be fun to have one of these for my Tama-pets. I am starting this log on May 12, 2011. I am at the "Teen Stage" of my Gen 1. pet. In a few days I will be getting a Music-star from Amazon. I will start logging it when I receive it.

Notable Information:

I pause my Tama-go when I go to sleep. This is because I go to sleep around 5-6am some nights. I have horrible insomnia. I don't want my kid getting up like an hour after I go to bed.

Helpful Links and Information

This section is mostly for me, because I'm a noob.

Tama-go Potty Cycles:

Baby: 0 hours 10 minutes

Child: 1 hour 40 minutes

Teen: 2 hours 20 minutes

Adult: 3 hours 20 minutes

Information from: Binarys Log

Tama-go Growth Chart by Sakuranboy

TamaTown Info:

Tama-Town ID: KA4112

Town Level: 5

GP: 1710

Tama-Go Info:

Name: Tommy

Type: Kilalatchi

Gender: Male

Generation: 1

Age: 0 years

Weight: 20 lb.

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Friendship: 5/5

Training: 15/15

Day 1:

Unpaused the game at around 2:50 PM. Didn't make a note of his stats at the time :(

We went to play some games, Shoot the Bug and Long Jump. For the first time ever we completed Long Jump! Yay! I loved the animation they played for us winning. It was cute.

Tommy potty-wiggled around at about 3:48 PM. I caught him in the act, and told him to go sit on the potty. Received 3 training points, which filled in our training bar! Yay! Next potty-time should be around 6:08 PM.

Tommy was hungry (-1 heart) after his potty break, so we went and got ourselves some Pork and Beans. Mmm, so good- but he's getting a little tired of them. I think we'll go shopping... Bought some Sushi-rolls. Hopefully Tommy will enjoy them. I know I won't!

After eating and shopping we played a few more games. Joy! We won Long Jump again. I think we understand what we need to do now, don't we Tommy? Why, yes we do! I'm an awesome jumper.

Well, now it's time to teach my baby sister how to play TamaTown. Tommy is going to be our guide :D

Last night, around 4:35 AM Tommy evolved! He turned into a Mametchi while sleeping! It was kind of funny. I was in the living room, watching Chicago and heard a beeping. Doing a quick survey of the room I noticed neither of my cat's were with me. I thought they were messing around with my computer. With a heavy sigh I pulled myself out of the comfy chair, and paused my show to get onto them. They know better than to mess with Mama's computer!

I walked into the computer room, and there was no fuzzy critters messing with things they should be (turns out they were in bed with my husband). I picked up Tommy, thinking maybe he'd been the culprit of the beeping and sure enough, there he was! All grown-up! <3

I took a quick look at his stats:

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 years (<- :( think pausing might have hurt me?)

Weight: 30 lb.

Generation 1

Hunger 4/5

Happy 4/5

Friendship 4/5

Training 15/15

I thought I was going to get one of the "Good-care" pets, since I didn't get his hearts full before going to bed. I thought the monkey looking one was really cute. ;) Tommy's happy though!

After finishing my show, I returned to my computer and decided I wanted to work on my Tamatown Room. So, I woke Tommy up- he was very upset- and moved over about 10k GP. Then I went SHOPPING! I had a lot of funny. Tommy just wanted to sleep though- that bum.

I bought some things that well... they didn't work out like I planned. I was very annoyed.

I unpaused Tommy around 2 PM this after noon, feed him up, and gave him a glass of milk. Then I kind of left him alone. Sometime during the hour of 3 PM he made a beeping noise. I was on the phone at the time, and didn't get to him to see what he wanted. I think he might be potty trained (yay!) because he's not gone poo on the screen and I've not caught any wiggle dances today.

Anyway, at around 7 I decided I wanted to go shopping again, but I was outta monies. So, we had a little "Shoot-the-Bug-a-thon" and got a few more k to send to Tamatown... most of that went toward getting a sink and... A NEW KITTY! Tommy is very happy to have a pet. He also has a hamster. It's cute but not as fluffy as Queenie McFlufbut (what he named his kitty).

Here's our room now:


Isn't Tommy cute in his tux? -cuddles- And McFlufbutt, get your hinny off the table! People eat there, you naughty feline!

Edit: Oh! I want to add this: Our CD in Tamatown is 6th Super Silver now! Yay! I played a lot of games last night to get Tommy that tux (so he could rest). I don't really understand the CD's much though...

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