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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2005
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Well Seeing as there isnt one already.

This is the first st.patricks day hatch. If you're joining then join put please no posting " im joining or can i join" YES! EVERYONE AND EVERY VERSION IS ALOUD.


1.dont spam or double post or post after a post because you forgot something. there is an edit button for a reason.

2. please dont post 1-5 word replys. example: " im joining" be specific!

3. no rude coments hate or anger. you will be banned from the group.

4. have fun! Keep it nice clean and fun!


pictures are incouraged! we love to see your little ones and your designs and versions! way more fun!

no you dont have to post every day! just keep us updated as much as possible!

I'll be joining with my pink TMGC+C.

Ill take lots of pics.! I dont own a computer so I'll update as soon as possible!

cant wait to see all your little ones!! see you march 17th!

I might be getting my Nano that week, so I will join in if I do get it in the mail! It'll be so much fun to use it as a test and to post up some more info on the Nano. :)

I might join, it depends on how it all works out. My possible entrees are

2 v6s

2 v4s

I will probably be able to post pictures and I will post again as soon as I am sure I can join.


i also might change my entry to a v3 or v4. i might use the v4.5 for another hatch.
Did you not read my post? I said NOT to post more than once if you are joining. there is an EDIT button for a reason!

The all-caps is unnecessary. There are other ways to convey your message effectively and in a more friendly manner. Thank you.

I'm sorry but you were told not to multy post.Rule #1 and you broke it twice!. **Comment removed**
While having specific guidelines for hatches is nice for keeping things orderly, please allow for some flexibility, especially since the hatch has not even started yet and is still being organized. It's not uncommon for members to change their minds about which Tamagotchi(s) they'd like to hatch. Furthermore, it's true: the edit button only works in a period of 24 hours after a post is made. I'd like to also call to attention the guidelines for group hatches in general, which can be found as a pinned topic in the group hatches forum, with special emphasis on the guidelines in bold (the 4th guideline goes in hand with one of your guidelines in your first post, actually):

1. DO NOT POST QUESTIONS. They will be moved or DELETED.

2. Do not SPAM

3. This sections is not for anything other than group hatch. please think about this before posting.

4. Group Hatchings are OPEN TO ALL members - no exclusions are allowed - you can only specify the Tamagotchi Version or Type of tama the Group Hatch is based on

5. Do not argue (please!)

6. I do not know why, but this section of TamaTalk always has threads that are not for this section... So, please do not create them, as they will be closed in most cases
Please remember that this is all in the name of fun. Thank you for understanding! :)

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While having specific guidelines for hatches is nice for keeping things orderly, please allow for some flexibility, especially since the hatch has not even started yet and is still being organized. It's not uncommon for members to change their minds about which Tamagotchi(s) they'd like to hatch. Furthermore, it's true: the edit button only works in a period of 24 hours after a post is made. I'd like to also call to attention the guidelines for group hatches in general, which can be found as a pinned topic in the group hatches forum, with special emphasis on the guidelines in bold (the 4th guideline goes in hand with one of your guidelines in your first post, actually):

Please remember that this is all in the name of fun. Thank you for understanding! :)
Not to disagree with you OST... however I understand Ciara's point. (One of the reason I have not started Hatch myself.)

If every version is allowed... then all that is technically needed is a simple "I am Joining this Hatch."

There is no need to post what version... and then post again to mention that you changed your mind.

Then again, she mentioned there is no Need for "I Join" post at all... On March 17th, if you want to Hatch, then post your log.

I think that is what she was hoping to get across.

I took the "One Post Rule" as a way to prevent Clutter and having to make a new thread for the actual Hatch... as with Valentines Day Hatch.

@Ciara:: How do you plan to Ban people? (Very Curious...)

If a Space Opens in my Tama Family, I will be joining as well. Hope to see your pictures everyone!


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I purchased a Music Star, so hopefully it will be here by March 17th! -crosses fingers-

If it is, I will definitely be joining this group hatch. :)

Im joining!! :p

May I join with a Tama-Go??

as previously stated in the rules:

If you're joining then join put please no posting " im joining or can i join" YES! EVERYONE AND EVERY VERSION IS ALOUD.

please dont post 1-5 word replys. example: " im joining" be specific!

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I am going to join with my Blue and Sliver iD as well as the iD Station! Just a quick question that I did not see covered, will the Hatching posts be made here or moved to the logs section?

My new Tamagotchi Music Star just arrived last night! :lol:

I hatched it today, St. Pattys Day, and it's a girl! I named her Sunny. ^^

Originally I was hoping another of my New Tama would arrive to use for this Hatch... (Wanted to use something with Green)

However, my P2 arrived today (considering is the last I ordered) So I am using instead.

Hatched at 330pm... I now have a Tonmarutchi.

The Time on P2 is set back around 4hr... to accomodate my sleep schedule.



@Mochi:: ...I already read your Normal Blog, so I do not feel bad to say this.

You could have posted one or two Important Images in this Thread... and then the Link.

Even for me... it kind of disappoints to have to Click Link Just to read your part of the Hatch. >.>

Edit@Mochi:: Lol... Logging Method is up to you in the end. Maybe I will be the only person who feels this way.


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@Phnx Hmm... =( Sorry about that. I did not really think of adding a couple of pictures here because I don't know how... I am not really that great with that kind of thing, thats why I did the Hatch the way I had... I now feel a bit stink since you pointed that out... >.>

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