Star the tama slave


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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Trollsvik, Legesa, Logales, Gales, Vinland
Once there lived a happy little kiwitchi called Cupcake who had a best friend called Gillii. She was very happy until she was 13 yrs old and had begun to fallin love with Gillii. Vatchi the tarakotchi came, killed her parents, sent Gillii to a workhouse, and sold her as a slave!

And was taken to a rug factory in the middle of the so called "Death Forest" filled with dangerous animals and plants.

She had heard rumors from the other slaves that one tama desperate to escape

and found out how Vatchi could pass through the forest safely. But as he made it

almost through the forest, but Vatchi was expecting him and they never saw that tama again.


gilli tripped the master over and put a pile of rugs on top of him. we have to get out of here! says cupcake but they soon get lost in the forest. suddenly a huge....

robot jumped out from behind a tree. vatchi was inside controlling it! you can't escape from me! he shouted and then he.....

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and then cupcake saw a light. it was a...................................................................................................................................................(wobbuffet XD lol just kidding)

She escaped but the injuries made her collapse as soon as she reached the elavator. The nurses took her back to her room, where she lay unconcious for a year.. Giillii was hurt too, so he was at a hospital 1,000000000000000000000000000000 miles away from where Star was. She awoke...

.....they sent eachother a telepathic message!

Star said-

Gilli, where are you! Please here me...

Gilli said-I hear you! I'm...1000000 miles away from where you are....


WE must get to eachother!

Gilli started moaning. The doctors rushed to him, he said that in order to survive he must see his friend, Sar.

The doctors sent for Star. She arrived and when she did Gilli gave her a joyful hug. They spent sme time together, and at te end of it, they were both better!

And as they were eating at a resturant, Star had a heartattak! Gilli phoned 911 and said that they were eating and then star had a heartattak! When they were at the hospital, star said to gilli..........................................................(I like spongebob! lol jocking)

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