Starting a tamagotchi collection


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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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I only recently got back into tamagotchis. I had one when they first came out back in the 90's (wish I still had it!), and then around 2007 I got two version 4's. A week ago I restarted up one of my 4's and got a tama-go. I love it! I was pretty disappointed that the 4 is just a little too old to be compatible with the tamago.

I want to get two new tamas. One vintage style and one newer(possibly music star?) to connect with the tama-go. it seems like there have been ALOT of versions, so I'd like suggestions on which to get.

Also, I am a 22 year old girl, and I have noticed there are quite a few tamagotchi fans around my age. I would love to hear your opinions!

For me, vintage means before the re-launch with infa red so I would try to get hold of an old P1/P2 - just because they are the kinds of vintage tamas that make a nice start to a tamagotchi collection :)

As for the newer ones ... I will let the others recommend. I was disappointed with the V5 and never really appreciated the change, so I haven't collected the V5.5 or the V6 or the Tama-Go. I kind of prefer the "traditional" tamas :p

V3s are nice, as well as V4.5s. And they aren't as expensive as a V1. As TamaMum said, it would be great to get a P1 or P2 as well, because a tama collection isn't complete without a few Ancestors in it. I'm not fond of the Music Star(V6). They are kinda boring in my opinion. AV5 and 5.5 you raise a family of characters, not just one. They get tedious as well. The TMGC+ Color, and iD are fun, but are a bit on the pricey side. Good luck, and have fun collecting.

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Thanks for the suggestions! Now that I've read more about the music star, I don't know if it would be my style.

I was also looking at the angelgotchi, I'm undecided so far as to whether it would be worth the money..

But hey, christmas is nearly here :D

I personally like the V6. Maybe it's because I only recently got into the newer ones so I think everything is interesting. :D I definitely recommend the vintage Tamagotchis as well, especially P1/P2 or an Angelgotchi. There are actually A LOT of vintage ones I would recommend, but I'll just keep it short and sweet for now. :D

Yeah, definitely get an Angelgotchi!! The Japanese version is less expensive than the American, but both are lots of fun. I just got a blue Japanese one myself.

I'm 21, so nearly your age, and my favourite version so far is by FAR the V4.5. In my opinion it has the best games, the best characters, and just the right level of neediness. It also comes in some really nice designs.

I was going to suggest Angelgotchi as well. It's one of those fun older ones. I see them for about $30 on ebay, which I admit is kind of a lot, but isn't terrible. Angelgotchi is a nice addition to a collection. :)

As for the "newer" versions of Tamagotchi, I think v1, v2, and v3 are my favorite. I didn't like Music Star very much.

The one that I'm REALLY in love with is Tamagotchi iD (Japanese). The problem with that one is that it really is pretty expensive. I got mine last year for the holidays because I couldn't get myself to spend the money on it. :p

(P.S. I'm a 22 year old girl as well, Haha! There sure are a lot of us here!)

I'm twenty-seven, so I'm a wee bit older than many people here, and I'm most enthusiastic about the P1/P2 versions. It's easily possible to look after these models whilst you're at work, and the only real worry is missing the attention icon when discipline is required. For the collector, there are too many colours and designs of the P1/P2 to count, so it'd be a great model to concentrate on.

Not forgetting that the spirit of the P1/P2s carried on (from a unit design perspective) with the Genjitch, Mothra, Ocean and Morino models.

@rxbunnyz haha I know we must be some kind of core tamagotchi generation? And I did decide to get an angel :p haven't started it up though, I might wait for a group hatch..

@stu_dee_jay yes I really want a mothra now, it seems like one of the more interesting vintage models. I'm stalking eBay for one.

If I see a Mothra on eBay, I will be sure to let you know. I reckon I'll be unsealing mine once my P1 dies; I reckon it's got about another week left...

Vintage Tamagotchis are the most fun in my opinion. Have an air of nostalgia about them. :D

Good to hear you got an Angelgotchi, they’re a lot of fun. I often find myself starting up my Angelgotchi. What colour did you buy?

But as others have said, I would recommend getting a P1 and a P2. I have a P1 running at the moment. Quite cute. :D

Oh, and as for the age thing, don’t worry. I think you’d be surprised at how many older Tama runners there are. I too am considered above the ‘target market’ for Tamagotchis but I still love them. ^_^

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I got the pink american angel, but haven't started it up yet. And I also decided on a p2, which I am playing at the moment, and it is indeed awesome. I think I may be hooked on vintage tamas! Next I want a mothra for sure, the morino looks really cool too. I also just ordered a nano, since I don't have any japanese tamas and it looks pretty cute. :D

Yeah the characters on the P2 are so cute. :D

Oh nice, American angel. I’d love an english Angel but mine is in Japanese. I guess it doesn’t matter TOO much but it would be pretty cool.

Nanos are SO cute, which did you get? :)

Morino looks interesting, I don’t have one unfortunately but the screensaver thing looks pretty cool. I guess it would be a very good one to add to the collection.

A good website for vintage Tamas is :)

Yeah I looked at the differences between the american and Japanese angel, and really they are practically identical. The only reason I decided english is that it wasn't much more expensive on eBay, once you add in shipping, and also I was loathe to have to wait 22 business days to have it shipped from japan. :0 and the one I bought was shipped from my own state, so it was here in 2 days.

I ordered the purple nano. :D I'm interested to see how big it is, in relation to like a p2. Do you think its smaller? I hope it's the size of the mini. I can't seem to find any comparison pics.

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