Starting middle scholl?


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Jul 24, 2007
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winchester, ca
Is anyone in middle school or starting middle school? I am going into 6th grade. Is it scary? Are people meaner, nicer? Do people not follow rules alot? I need advice for going into 6th grade!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going into sixth grade too. I need advice also. Are the teachers tough? :angry:

Oh god, middle school is sooo easy! The only thing that changes from elementry school is that you have a teacher for every subject and elective. Everybody told me that middle school was going to be soo hard and that you'll have tons of homework, but I am going to 9th grade and middle school was almost like elementry. Middle school is more fun than elementry, it's when you go through puberty.


i'm going into 7th grade. its just the same, only steerclear of 8th graders unless they know and like [aka tolerate] you. its hard, and if you switch classes you'll probbably get lost. but dont worry, it gets easier towards the end of the year.

It's the same thing as middle school. The only difference is that you switch classes for different subjects. I'm sure you'll be fine.

I don't know what middle school is like cuz I'm going into 5th grade but almost all of my friend's siblings are in middle school and they all say it's probably the hardest the first week or 2 cuz you're new but it gets gradualy easier as the year goes by.

Middle School is NOT hard! You just have different teachers for different classes which isn't bad. Middle School isn't bad but the first week or so is, but you will survive! Good luck with Middle School! :D



It was easy for me starting middle school last year,the only thing i hated at first was the freakin locker. I had trouble opening it lol ;)

Just make sure you:

• Keep up with your work. If you don't, you will most definantly fail.

• If you need help, ask. There's nothing wrong with asking the teacher if you don't understand something. If she or he doesn't really help you too much, as one of you parents/friends [that knows what they're doing of course!]/siblings.

• Don't get into the gossip circles or spred gossip. You will not believe what one piece of gossip can do. Best just to stay clear of it.

• Have respect. Even if you dislike the teacher or another student, don't go making trouble. Stand up for yourself and don't let them push you around but don't cause fights and remeber to respect the person you're dealing with.

• If someone countinualy bullying you TELL SOMEONE! There's no shame in it. First I suggest telling your parents and then speak with the teacher, counselor or principal if it countinues.

Middle school was pretty fun for me. :]

Oh god, middle school is sooo easy! The only thing that changes from elementry school is that you have a teacher for every subject and elective. Everybody told me that middle school was going to be soo hard and that you'll have tons of homework, but I am going to 9th grade and middle school was almost like elementry. Middle school is more fun than elementry, it's when you go through puberty.

Actually, in my school, grade six is the year you have the same teacher for everything. x.x And that really stinks.

I think you'll do just fine in middle school. Im going into 6th grade too, so I can't really know.


Sorry I'm getting really confused. Is 6 grade the same as year 6 or year 7? I'm starting Middle school soon. I'm not really scared.

OMG im going into 6th grade also and im sooooooooo bored! my middle school is soooooo much fun i get my scheldule on aug. 21 and i want to go to school already!

Sorry I'm getting really confused. Is 6 grade the same as year 6 or year 7? I'm starting Middle school soon. I'm not really scared.
I'm pretty sure they're the same- it's just said differently because of where people live [like some people say 'mom' and others say 'mum'].

Actually, in my school, grade six is the year you have the same teacher for everything. x.x And that really stinks.
I think you'll do just fine in middle school. Im going into 6th grade too, so I can't really know.

Oh yes, it's like that in Canada. :ichigotchi:

I'm going into 11th grade, and I can safely say that middle school is a lot of fun. It's still a little like elementary but it has more elements of high school in it (changing classes, no playground equipment *usually*, etc.) I had a blast in middle school, especially in 8th grade. You'll have fun, don't worry.

it was like that for me too the sixth grade was in the elementary school this year im gunna be in eighth grade
:( :furawatchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: =]
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I'm going into seventh myself. I think that middle school, besides the multiple teachers, lockers etc. is just a more extreme version of elementary school. People probably already liked each other in fifth grade, they'll like each other more in sixth grade, etc.

I think the best piece of advice I can give you is that if you're not the popular type, all you need are friends. And if you stick with each other and support each other and trust each other, you can get through anything. Yes, I know it sounds horribly cliche and corny, but it works.


its ssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier than everyone says. take it easy, but have a BIG backpack. your gonna have alot of stuff! but other than that, its the same, other than switching classes.

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