Starting Middle School


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
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St. Albert, Alberta
Okay, I know this topic is similar to others but not quite the same

This is for all of those people out there on TT who are starting middle school this year and have questions they need answered xD

Im starting middle school in 5 days and I'm terrified, yet excited at the same time.

I start middle school in 10 days.
Is it hard finding your classes? =/ I'm going to the biggest middle school in the district o_O;
Im pretty sure it wont be that hard, you'll have a map and for the first few days the teachers go easy on you if your late. If you get lost you can always ask directions xD

I started last year and now I'm going into 7th.

-----> Middle School.... it's pretty fun.... but you might hit a few rough spots...

-----> THE SCHOOL DANCES ROCK (at least at my school they do)

-----> Finding your classes isn't that hard. You'll get used to it after a few days.

I'm totally not ready for 7th grade.

Everyone in the small town I live in goes to the same middle school. So there are 5 elementary schools with lots of kids in all of them and 1 middle school everybody goes to. I see problems there. :)

I just hope I know at least 1 person in some of my classes.

On the bright side, there is a much wider selection in boys! ^_^

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I start middle school on September 3rd. Tomorrow is my orientation.

I am very excited, but also terrified.. what if I get lost?!

my middle school starts in two days. i recognized some people today at the welcome bbq but my BFF and i had to retreat inside when it started thundering and (LOL!) the school driveway flooded!

If there's anything I learned from middle school it's don't let things get to you. I had a lot of problems with jerks in my school and because of that, I was distracted and my grades slipped. You can't let that happen to you. Just focus on your work, and most importantly don't be nervous. You'll be fine.

I remember my first day of Middle school :]

I went on the bus and found an empty seat, Than someone made me get out of it D<

Than at school I found out what teachers I had, And I had like none with my friends |:

Than I got lost and was like 20 minutes to the meeting the teachers thinger.


Heh, school starts on September 3rd for me too.

Thanks GotchiGirl96, I know the feeling x.x. Ya just gotta know that your the better one in that type of situation.

(PS: Sorry if it has lots of mistakes...I'm on my sisters touch. X.x

middle school's not that bad.

i know- september 3rd is the day i start 8th grade

it's simple- just make sure you get to know the way around your school.

and don't mess with shady 8th graders.

they get you in trouble.

I started the 21st. I ♥ my teachers! They are funny! This is my second year of middle school. so learning from last year here's some tips.

•Do ur best because last year i totally sucked at math and got a d for the first semester and moved to a b and went to tutoring all year! it was soooo embarassing so try not to get into tutoring.

•Try to go with all the styles out and try to stay up with them. Like black nail polish is still in, vest are in, knee highs, and that stuff.

•Remember ur classes! if u forget and et to the wrong class. ur dead!

well g2g bye

I started the 21st. I ♥ my teachers! They are funny! This is my second year of middle school. so learning from last year here's some tips.
•Do ur best because last year i totally sucked at math and got a d for the first semester and moved to a b and went to tutoring all year! it was soooo embarassing so try not to get into tutoring.

Try to go with all the styles out and try to stay up with them. Like black nail polish is still in, vest are in, knee highs, and that stuff.

•Remember ur classes! if u forget and et to the wrong class. ur dead!

well g2g bye
I dont care whats in and out, I just stick with my own style :)




No accessories/knee socks/makeup ^_^

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