Still love 4.5


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Feb 6, 2007
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When I was in Shopko today I checked and found they still had older Tamas. They not only had 5.0 but still had a few 4.0 and one 4.5. Not only that, the sign showed that the 4.5 was on sale(to club members) for 6 dollars off.

Well, since it looks as though the company is going to concentrate on Family Tamas for awhile I bought another 4.5 just in case the one I'm playing with gives out. Or maybe I'll try out the connection! Haven't done that yet. B)

Really? The stores by me only have v4.5 and v5! No v4s anymore.

Yeah, they were all on the same hook.

There were about 3 5's, 2 4's and one(until I bought it)4.5

[SIZE=8pt]I went to walmart where I live and they are still selling v3's! they also have v4.5's and v5's which is strange seeing as they missed the v4... but that's still cool[/SIZE]

i don't own a v4 or v4.5, but i have a v5 and i think (since the v4s and .5's are better than the v3's because you can work) it is good that they are only really selling v4's - 5's now!!! :blink:

I went to a Target near me and they were selling v4-v5's too! But that was a while ago... I'm not sure if they're still selling all of them now. I'll have to check they're website...

:lol: Today I pulled my 4.5 out of my pocket at work and the 'A' button had popped out. Fortunately it was still in my pocket and after I put it back in it seems to be staying put. I'm being very careful with it though. My poor little tami!

I guess it's lucky that I found the replacement 4.5 last week. I seem to be wearing out this one! Ha!

The stores I go to still sell V3's. I wish they still sold V2's! I need another one!

I still love my V.4 <3 only because its fun and original. I love all Tamagotchis but I have my opinions about all of them!

well i still like v4.5 its kinda cool to have it! i got 10 v4.5 tamagotchis! :angry:

I like V4 and 4.5 and dun like V5!! Actually I dun have V4 but recently went to "search" around my own country and finally found it at one of the departmental stores (the rest at toys r us etc are all returned to the supplier already). Now I'm playing with V4 and 4.5!! :angry:

When I was in Shopko today I checked and found they still had older Tamas. They not only had 5.0 but still had a few 4.0 and one 4.5. Not only that, the sign showed that the 4.5 was on sale(to club members) for 6 dollars off.Well, since it looks as though the company is going to concentrate on Family Tamas for awhile I bought another 4.5 just in case the one I'm playing with gives out. Or maybe I'll try out the connection! Haven't done that yet. :)
They still have v4.5s in my local department stores

In fact , they still have v3's o_O

I bought a V5; seem to have lost my V4 though D=

I consider V4 a lot better than V5; so I'm considering buying V4.5 as well.

There's actually V3s where I bought my V5 XD

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I like the V4 alot better than the V4.5 because with the V4 it is easy to get the characters you want but with v4.5 it is kinda hard :) .

yeah toyworld still has heaps :(

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