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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
Well - I got some stitches today. They aren't my first stitches, but theya re the first set I have put in conscious (the last time I had stitches was when I was little and I had a hernia, so obviously I had them put in with anesthesia).

So - I was just wondering - does getting the stitches out hurt quite as much as having them put in?

For those interested - the story:

I was playing (supposedly) basketball during break, when the group of some somewhat annoying girls came over to ask indiscreet questions. One of them accidentally trod on my foot, so my nail started bleeding, which scared them off. Anyway, while playing basketball, someone accidentally hit me in the ball/elbowed me/punched me (I don't know).

I felt myself black out for a moment, and then my friends were round me, saying I had got 'punched' and if I was alright. I withdrew my hand from my mouth - blood (LOL). So, they told me to go to the bathroom just to clear it up, and I realized I'd cut the inside of my lip, so they forced me to go the school nurse, who said I would need stitches. Anyway, I went to this clinic, they gave me three stitches (somewhat painful), and said I could have them out on Monday. I think they are quite cool with the black thread, but my lip does hurt a bit. ;)

OMG! Are you O.K?? That must of hurt! I dunno, I've never gotten stitches before!

tamasweet2 ;)

I got four stitches before, in my back. My back and my arm had this growing discolored skin. I went to my dermatologist to get it looked at. Right away, they could tell it was something so they took skin biopsies. 2 of them, in my back. They gave my 2 shots, one at each biopsy site, to numb me. Then, they took out skin so there was a very deep gash in my back. Then, they stitched me up. They referred my to Children's Hospital to have a rhuematologist look at it----- It was Scleraderma, extremely rare. But, mine is not fatal and not too severe and the treatment I am on is sucessful and I am doing much better. BTW, this was a little less than a year ago and I still go down to Children's Hospital. And it doesn't hurt when you get the stitches out- my dad took them out while we were at the beach.



Ohh... that must've hurt.

My mouth started bleeding when I fell while bouncing on my bed. xD I didn't even tell my mum- it was funny.

I got stitches in the back of my head anmd it hurt when they got it out!

that must have hurt!

~My story~

I always liked to get dizzy when I was 4.I was spinning and my mom was watching me, so I was so dizzy that I fell and banged my head on our WOOD Enterteinment center...And I was knocked out!And the next thing I know i'm getting out of our car and going into the ER to get stitches in the back of my head

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