Story #1


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one sunny day at tama academy Andy :blink:

and Mandy :blink: were in english class.

"what should we do after class?" asked Andy.

" i dunno." said Mandy. " oh now i know what we can

do!" exclaimed Andy. teachertchi said"shhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"oops sorry." ;)

But they all climbed out of his stomach.

One day, he was roaming the streets, hungry as usual, and he saw a rubbish dump! There was alll sorts of eatable foods there.

So he sat down and began to eat all the rubbish in the world. This was a great help, because it meant no more greenhouse gas and no more holes in the ozone layer.

He went around, eating up all sorts of rubbish and wastes. In two weeks, he was known as The Metal-Muncher. He was famous. And he was never hungry.

But then, one day............

then everybody got so mad that they threw him up to the ozone layer and since he was so fat, he covered it!

But he ate it and threw up on the WHOLE Earth! Earth was covered in throw up. It was like a giant mudslide! Mametchi ate all the skyscrapers and stole all the chocolate bars and ate a potion and became 1,00000 times how big he was while he was in the ozone layer. He ate everyone and no one survived. He threw up all over the moon.

"We could go to the park!"

Mandy agreed, and after class, they went.

And then, that was when , the coolest dude in the neighbourhood, came up to them. :angry: Mandy had an instant crush on him, and so did Andy!

When the little girl called Jesse, and the little boy called Simon were eating a big greasy cheese-burger with loads of brown sauce, it started to rain!

Their owners ran inside a local shop selling sticky cream cakes, with crimson cherries on the tops, and one of them, the girl who looked after Simon, dropped her tamagotchi! She didn't notice and Jesse looked out of the shop window in dismay... :angry:

Unfortunatly, Mandy and Andy were so wrapped up in thier crush to notice eachother's crush.

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