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Nov 18, 2007
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the last time i was over at my neighbours house, i wrote part of a story. i like to write, so i wanted to know what you think of my story:

''NO! MOTHER! FATHER!'' Ashley cried, burying her head into her hands. How could she have been so stupid to let this happen? It was all her fault, and she knew it.

''Oh, foolish girl! Aren't I doing a good thing for you? It's rather boring to always take orders from parents.'' Kelsey told Ashley, her voice as cold as ice. Kelsey smiled wickedly, and grabbed the collar of Ashley's shirt. She pulled her right up to her face. ''Are you happy?''

''No!'' Ashley yelled.

''Good. That's what I wanted to hear.''


''Pity pity....if you said you were happy, then I would have let you live to enjoy it. But since you're NOT happy...well, why don't you just join your parents then???''

Ashley began to cry. This was it...this was the end.


before you comment, i just want to let you know this is like the prolog; the story starts off at the exciting part, butt hen it goes back to before that happened and explained how the charatcer got into that situation. its a method i learned from my neighbour!!!!!!!!! :unsure:

It was a very brief piece to judge, although I am terribly curious as to how Ashley got herself into such a situation and who this awful Kelsey is. Why don't you share more?

Not bad! You've definitely got something there. But ignore everyone's comments that you should share more. Finish the book, get it published, and tell everyone to buy the book! :)

Hi Maggie!


Nice story, but next time perhaps you'll let ME help? xD You wouldn't let me help last time!

Good luck with your writing. Your talented, Maggie!

Please carry on! PRETTY PLEASE! If not tell us what was ment to happen.


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