Stotesbury Regatta


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2006
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Yesterday, and the day before I went to stotesbury!!! The biggest and oldest highschool crew regatta. I'm sure SOMEONE here has to have gone! There were 140 or so schools and SO many more people. My school did really well for a public school. My boat got 5th out of 40 in the time trials for the Girls Senior Four. We made it to semi-finals and got 3rd out of 6 which was not enough to go to finals. You had to get either 1st or 2nd. But we did well and I'm proud. Anybody here do crew?

Nope. Not even sure what it is! XD I know what a regatta is though...

Congratulations! Sounds like you're good at teamwork. :huh:

Lol thanks... Yea, I guess not a lot of people do crew. Well I don't know. Do you guys? Stotesbury is great though. Biggest/Oldest High School regatta.

No, I don't. But congrats! (And how is this something for seriously non tamatalk?)
I'd don't think it is. It may be moved to (Non)TamaTalk.

But I've never heard of Stotesbury Regatta.

But here is some information on it. :D


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