strange character...


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2007
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OKay so i fonally got my V1 debugged! but the charcter i picked is really weird, first i picked a strange butterfly type creature! does anyone have any idea what its called? then i picked a REALLY REALLY weird character, he was a- well... He was three differnt peopple, each section of him looked like an office building! he was really weird, he had two faces also, Can anyone tell me wat his character name is? PLEASE ANSWER

P.S. I will try to get pics later.

I once had that on my debugged tama V1 it looks kinda funny sorry i dnt no its name but it is a good way to trick ya frens! :huh:

I debugged my V1 too and i picked the same one! I forgot what it was called*hits self on head* stupid memory!

Yes, there are some interesting debug characters on the V1 aren't there?

Take a look at this page from Mothra's own site : you will see the 3 sections office building character - I have no idea if he has a name or not!

The other one sounds like the Butterflytchi - that appeared on the V2 as well as a normal (not debug) character.

The Connection V1 is based on the Tamagotchi Plus (Japanese model). Some of the characters you see in debug mode on the Connection V1 normally appear only as guest visitors on the Tamagotchi Plus. They would appear when you connected to a certain type of Deka Tama. (A DekaTama is a huge Tamagotchi placed on display in certain toy shops, festivals, fairs, etc, for you to connect to.) I've been able to find the names of some of these characters, but haven't been able to find the name of the character made up of 3 blocks. Click here to see the names of the Connection V1 debug characters left over from the Tamagotchi Plus (for DekaTama visitors.)

Wow binary thank. Tama Mum do you know what the last charcter on Mothra's sight is called? in the pics on her sight the very last character looks really big and it doesn't show up well. On my tamagotchi it shows up really weird becuase its like he's too big for the screen he kinda just appears as lots of little split up parts, does anyone know his name or why he shows up like that? :angry:

if uv debugged it then there could be to possibilys

1) the debugging could have ruind ur tama

2) it could be a normal chracter on the debbuged verstion

hope i helped


I have seen the "office building" character in pictures, but unfortunately I do not know it's name(if it even has one). Though I CAN help you with the "butterfly" character you described-it's on the V2(which I own). Naturally, it's called "Butterflytchi". Cute, isn't it?

Hope I helped,

Memetchi Dreamer

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