Strange evolution on my v4.5?...


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
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I started my tama on its 3rd generation with a baby Tsubutchi boy. ANd then he turned into Hitodetchi (star toddler) , and then into Kujakutchi (peacock teen). So i worked really hard to get his spiritual (fist) points high to get UraTogetchi (because hes supposed to be inline with the males kujakutchi can turn into...) but when he evolved he became UraKuchipatchi.. Am i missing something? How did this happpen? Can tamas switch from Urameme family for example to the UraKuchi family? lol im prolly just crazy. (P.s. Growth charts says i had to have 350 spiritual points to get Urakuchipatchi, i only had 182)

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It was probably some kind of glitch. I got this from the Tamagotchi Wikia:

To get him (UraKuchipatchi) in the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 on the 2nd Generation, make sure your 1st Generation (doesn't matter who you have as a 1st Generation) marries a boy/girl in the "UraKuchi Family" (Tenpatchi (boy), Tougyutchi (boy), Ura Kuchipatchi (boy), Ura Yattatchi (girl), Ura Debatchi (girl), or Shitekitchi (girl)). Make sure you get a boy. Your teen should be either a Boxertchi or a Kometchi. If the "Funny" points are high, you'll get a Tenpatchi. If the "Gorgeous" points are high, Tougyutchi will appear. If the "Spiritual" points are high, you will get Ura Kuchipatchi.

Hmm... Perhaps it's got something to do with the character your previous generation married?

There is a chance that, on the V4.5, your character can switch groups. It's happened before...

well, since you now have urakutchipatchi, try getting mukimukitchi (spelling may be wrong) he is a special adult only obtainable through urakutchipatchi

Thanks for the advice guys, ya so after i posted this i kept getting my urakuchipatchis spiritual points higher and higher. And today AS SOON as i reached 350 points, he evolved into the muscly dude. lol I dont know if it was a coincidence or if the tama was just waiting for me to get the points to 350. Still on growth charts it says you need atleast 450+ spiritual points before he evolve. strange...i guess not every chart it accurate. Here he is..he was totally worth the work!

yeah this is completely normal, i got a mukimukitchi on my second generation once.

it took alot of work for me to do so, but thats just because i just got the tama back then.

Enjoy having your special character :D

I had a weird evolution too. M Yankatchi (the teapot tama) turned into a Horoyotchi (sake gourd tama always carrying a cup). Switched from the UraKuchi family to the Uramame family -_- . I had my hearts set on a UraYattatchi (Urakuchi fam) too -_-

Its possible I had daiyatchi and it turned into a ura mametchi, also Its not 350 to get ura kuchipatchi its 350 to get it to evolve. Growth charts are not always 100% accurate maybe your tama decided to change his name lol. anyways Its a glitch enjoy kuchipatchi and if you decide to train its spiritual points to 350 enjoy mukimukitchi.

Well, actually, if you raise your tamagotchi's spiritual points too high, you will ALWAYS get a UraKuchipatchi. I think the number was about 120ish to150ish(the spiritual points) . It's same thing for the female tamagotchis and for different skill points. But, you will get different characters for different skill points. Just lower your skill points if you want the character you want. Hope I helped. ;)

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I'm not sure if it's possible to "lower" your skill points unless you mean don't get them that high in the first place.

I would take this as a glitch.

Arceus knows V3-V4.5 are buggy.

But, I'm glad you got a secret character! There's a surprising lack of them in later generations.


A while ago, I had Ura Young Memetchi on my V4.5, and was getting tons of spiritual points in order to get Ura Violetchi. When she evolved, though, she became a Shitekitchi, basically an angry tennis ball. Dang it! It's not a glitch, and it's perfectly normal, but it seems like Bandai released this Tamagotchi too fast and didn't quite look over its growth process. Anyone agree with me? Though it does add some excitement to your Tamagotchi's evolution into an adult.

Amat Gotchi

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