Strange training?


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Feb 8, 2008
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Ohhh this morning I had such a hard time waking up. I slept far past 7 and at 10, Hoshitchi woke me up, asking for training. Of course I was half asleep so I'm not sure what I saw, really happened.

I quickly let her train, and she started singing, then pooped, so I sent her to the toilet, then when I looked back, she was riding around on a duck...? Then I noticed she was starving! so I quickly fed her, then fell back asleep. :p

Lol, did I dream it?

Well, if you see your Tamagotchi when it needs to go to the toilet and you select the toilet icon, it'll use the toilet/potty.

When your Tamagotchi is a baby or child, it uses a duck-shaped potty. Nothing wrong with that, according to my parents I had a turtle-shaped potty :p

And it seems like it's quite common for a hunger heart to drop whenever your Tamagotchi makes a mess.

Yeah, the little kids (babies and toddlers) go to the bathroom sitting on a duck. No worries, though. Just a small animation that's cute. You can only see the animation if they shake their heads and bodies left and right. Cool, huh? Older ones use the toilet. This is the same with V4 and V4.5

Well this is third generation, and it's the first time I've seen them sit on a toilet when I clean em :p

Ohhh this morning I had such a hard time waking up. I slept far past 7 and at 10, Hoshitchi woke me up, asking for training. Of course I was half asleep so I'm not sure what I saw, really happened.
I quickly let her train, and she started singing, then pooped, so I sent her to the toilet, then when I looked back, she was riding around on a duck...? Then I noticed she was starving! so I quickly fed her, then fell back asleep. :(

Lol, did I dream it?
oh. that was a ducky toilet ...

lol, i never pay attention to other replys either ( unless its right above mine. )

and... oh. i forgot what I was gonna say o_____o'

If you have never seen it before that is probably because you click on it after it has done the poop and you are just cleaning it up but when it shakes its head that means it needs to poop and if you dont click in time it will go on the floor but if you make it it will go on a potty/toilet.


Yeah, the little kids (babies and toddlers) go to the bathroom sitting on a duck. No worries, though. Just a small animation that's cute. You can only see the animation if they shake their heads and bodies left and right. Cool, huh? Older ones use the toilet. This is the same with V4 and V4.5
Lol while the others are watching on a v5!

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