Stuck in my mind: Tamagotchis are little kid toys!


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Apr 3, 2011
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Okay, I have been playing with Tamagotchis since around 2005. I still have them. My friends make jokes about me and laugh at me for still owning a v4.5. They all basically stopped playing with Tamagotchis around version 2. I feel like such a child. Especially if I mention that people collect them, they LAUGH their heads off! I feel so small and insignificant O.O Help? Does anyone else feel the same way? Also, I feel embarassed to play with my Tamagotchi in public :huh: :( :rolleyes:

Hi YodelingToast and welcome to TamaTalk! Once you become more familiar with the forums, you'll soon learn that Tamagotchis are for all ages! You're friends laugh because they don't understand - and that's ok. There are thousands of members here at TamaTalk so you can be rest assured that you are not small or insignificant in any way. TT is a friendly and welcoming place where you are free to discuss anything Tamagotchi. There is also a (non)TamaTalk section of the forums where members can discuss many non-related topics. You can explore the Tamagotchi Help section if you have any questions specifically related to Tamagotchi and the User's Guide will help you get a better idea of what TamaTalk is all about! Have fun and see ya around!

*Couldn't link the sections from this post, I'm on my iPad and not all editor functions work.

I was the first one to play with my Music Star in like a year, and yeah, my best friends went "wow." I kept playing with it though, kept saying, "it's so much fun! I love it!" and you know what? Now THEY play with them too! Don't let it bother you, enjoy your Tamas!




People I have known ever since 2nd grade... Always knew I had a tamagotchi glued to my hip. (Like a girl driving with a cellphone glued to her face.....Or just on it) Once they went away slowly. I still had mine with me. Regardless batteries were in there or not. It was my most favorite toy and it had an easy watch....

Anyway.... People see me today with it. (I totally baby it since the back is gone and of its old age. Protected now of corse)

They go.... "Um. Wasn't that egg thing with you in the 2+ grade?" I go yup. People tell me all the time to put them away, but I pretty much ignore them. (My mom is the worst, in the best sort of ways for this...She Buys my tamas every once in a while, Recently my Tama-Go)

I'm still proud to carry it with me. Generation one was a longtime ago... I still love my P2.

I think BanDai should make a secret sign that is folded behind the Tama but you can unfold it by pressing a button and on the back appears a sign saying "this is NOT babyish!" so that people don't tease you. But don't worry, you're not alone. I know a 6th grade girl who still has her Tama, and even when she talks to me in the cloakroom about it (I saved it when it was lost and I was round at her house) nobody teases her. Just ignore anyone who teases you and maybe sohw them TamaTalk so that they understand that there are loads of Tama Fans!!

my friends dont tease me even if i play my tama infront of them .. even at school and they always ask me why i play them and everything bout it and they go like : wow , theyre so cute ! . but still i show my tama's to those people who'll understand why am i collecting them . but like you , i feel that people think that im such a baby whenever they see me buy these tama's in toystores or when they see me play with them .

Okay, I have been playing with Tamagotchis since around 2005. I still have them. My friends make jokes about me and laugh at me for still owning a v4.5. They all basically stopped playing with Tamagotchis around version 2. I feel like such a child. Especially if I mention that people collect them, they LAUGH their heads off! I feel so small and insignificant O.O Help? Does anyone else feel the same way? Also, I feel embarassed to play with my Tamagotchi in public :huh: :( :rolleyes:
Dont worry about what people say about you. Do what you love doing and keep your interest. I still play with tamagotchi and i'm 20 yrs old in next month i'll be turning 21 yrs old. I never worry about what other people say when it comes to tamagotchi's because i know those people who laugh at you, they play with tamagotchis as well but they dont want you to know that so they make fun of you. In high school all i did everyday was take my tamagotchi in the opening and took it everywhere with me and i still do in todays world. I take my tamagotchis' to work everyday in the opening and i play with it. It doesnt matter what age you play or collect them. if your really into them then you feel free to do that and hopefully you continue to do that like i am. i tell myself and others that i will always love tamgotchis and still collect them until i die. yeah, many people laugh and make fun of me and many agrees with me. and those who laugh at people who have tamagotchis or still playing or collect them i found out that they too also collect them and play with them as well. Dont never feel embarass about playing with your tamagotchi. tell those people that yeah, i still play with tamagotchis and so what and i will always will. there is nothing wrong with what age you are or whatever. hey, im more happy that i'm still collecting tamagotchis and playing with them. I mostly get positive responds about my tamagotchis like for an example: I remember those when they came out. I use to have one. I still collect mine. Wow! i havent seen these for a long time. You still play with these and so on and so on. When people see my tamagotchi and they ask me about them i look at them always with a smile on my face and tell them yes, im 20 yrs old and i love them to death. Im happy that you are into tamagotchi and you should. there is no point on stopping just because a people say you still play with them or collect or do whatever you do to them. Thats what you do and thats what you love doing. so dont worry about what folks say, laugh, or talk about you. just give them a postive attitude and think positive and surely they will leave you alone or give you a postive saying. Enjoy what you love most and stop feeling that way towards other people. you are doing better than anyone else. Congrats on that! Oh, by the way all about me is nothing but childish ways, but i know when to do them and when not too, so im basically immature and i know how to control it as well.

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Okay, I have been playing with Tamagotchis since around 2005. I still have them. My friends make jokes about me and laugh at me for still owning a v4.5. They all basically stopped playing with Tamagotchis around version 2. I feel like such a child. Especially if I mention that people collect them, they LAUGH their heads off! I feel so small and insignificant O.O Help? Does anyone else feel the same way? Also, I feel embarassed to play with my Tamagotchi in public :huh: :( :rolleyes:
Don't worry about what other people say abnout them. I'm 15, turning 16 this year and I still love my tamas. I have a V6 and a Tama-Go and I don't care what people say. I'm a tama fan and proud of it.

I think BanDai should make a secret sign that is folded behind the Tama but you can unfold it by pressing a button and on the back appears a sign saying "this is NOT babyish!" so that people don't tease you. But don't worry, you're not alone. I know a 6th grade girl who still has her Tama, and even when she talks to me in the cloakroom about it (I saved it when it was lost and I was round at her house) nobody teases her. Just ignore anyone who teases you and maybe sohw them TamaTalk so that they understand that there are loads of Tama Fans!!
I explained to my "friends" about Tamatalk. Then I showed them the Birthday stuff, (in the old Tamatalk) and there was a person that was turning 34 and playing with Tamagotchis. My "friends" said that that person doesn't have a life, and neither do I.

Later on, I said "Screw You, you're not friends, you just pick on my every single day, because I'm playing with Tamas." and so when I get a yearbook this year, I am going to cross out their faces and put, "Screw You" on it. Sorry if I'm getting to personal, but that just gets me mad.

I think BanDai should make a secret sign that is folded behind the Tama but you can unfold it by pressing a button and on the back appears a sign saying "this is NOT babyish!" so that people don't tease you. But don't worry, you're not alone. I know a 6th grade girl who still has her Tama, and even when she talks to me in the cloakroom about it (I saved it when it was lost and I was round at her house) nobody teases her. Just ignore anyone who teases you and maybe sohw them TamaTalk so that they understand that there are loads of Tama Fans!!
That idea about the sign would probably make it worse... If an older person hit the button and saw it, chances are a person who makes fun of a tama-lover... will be reminded how dorky it is to them..... eh. Not for it.

I'm pretty lucky in that even the popular kids think I'm normal, even though I openly play with and collect tamas. Most people don't turn a hair when I mention that I collect tamas. A really "popular" jerk guy asked to see it in maths, (he sits behind m) and I expected him to throw it or smash it or something, but he said, after a pause, "Can you show me how to feed it?" I just about fell out of my chair in surprise (my math teacher gave me an odd look.). Even the big burly fighting boys think they're funny and cool.

My best friend (SakuraSan123) loves tamas as much as I do, so I'm pretty lucky.

:) My life is pretty much going awesomely, tama-wise and everything.

I barely remember when tamagotchis first came out. All i remember was the mcdonalds toys and how i never had one. Being as i was only 5 when they were released i don't remember them ever being popular among any of the kids my age. Almost everyone i know have no idea what they are.

I only got into tamagotchis when i was in high school in 2009. I've never been insulted or told by anyone other than my mom that they are children's toys. I originally found out about them through a friend one year younger than me on my bus. However i am not a social person and i never hung out with anyone in highschool who would care if i played with tamagotchis. I'm sure many of the other kids would think it's stupid if they knew what it was and that i played with them.

Anyways, so what if people think they're kids toys. Who cares? Clearly many people love tamagotchis. I don't even know any kids who like them. The only people i ever hear about playing with them and liking them are all in their late teens or adults. I mean in reality they are a toy, and for the most part are marketed towards children. For that reason many adults will never see anything more than a toy in them, but it's their loss.

So having said all that i don't think you should be trying to convince yourself it's not a toy, I think you should be embracing the fact that you enjoy them. I'm proud to tell people i play with a toy called a tamagotchi. Because honestly in everyone's heart there is a part of them that doesn't want to grow up and will always be a kid. They're just too dead inside to realize it. Be glad you can still have fun with toys and enjoy the simple things in life like a little pixel pet. I'm sure all the people who would tease you wish they could too.

I'm 21. No one my age has played with v-pets since the 90's. I understand how you feel.

At least your addiction isn't unhealthy (like smoking).

Be strong. Don't mind what other's think. If your tams make you happy then don't stop because of something a "friend" says. Your friends know how you feel and if they're hurting your feelings you need to let them know how important these things are to you and that it's not real cool of them to hurt your feelings if they consider themselves as your friends.

I'm at the point in my life where I just don't care what people think of me. If they let something as silly as raising tams get in the way of their preception of me, then they're not worth knowing.

If you stand up for what you love, people with either respect you or not be worth knowing.

People have every right to make fun of me for still liking VPets. And I have every right to punch them in the face until they stop thinking concious thoughts when they do so.

Well, maybe not but virtual pets are for everyone, all ages, male or Female. There have even been studies that show Virtual Pets are good for people in the same way real pets are. I'm living proof. My depression has improved since I started collecting robot dogs. They make me happy in a way that nothing else ever has. Virtual Pets in general are good for people who want pets but cannot have them for some reason. Pets are good for people, even if they're digital or robotic. There's nothing wrong with teens or adults liking Tamas, or any other VPet for that matter.

I'm 16 years old, my friends don't know I still play tamagotchi! :rolleyes: I sneak them around, pausing and keeping the sound off and whenever I get a bit of time I care for them. It's all about fitting it into your life and being proud of who you are :mellow:

It's pretty normal for teens and adults to play with toys and stuff that they grew up with. Pokemon is another pretty good example of this.

Now, I didn't grow up with them, but I'm a teen and I have lots of fun toting them around and giving them little personalities. I don't think people should have to stop having fun with things like that when they get older. After all, it's not like we can stop ourselves from aging!

If I had to stop playing with toys and stuff and do average boring teenage girl stuff like shop for shoes and gossip I would just, I don't know, drop dead from boredom or something.

Also if your friends are insulting you, they aren't your friends. Find new ones. Better ones. Friends are people who should have fun by being with you, not people who have fun by laughing at you. ;]

I'm also too scared to show my tamagotchis to my friends because my friends have all the latest things such as phones or new ipads and stuff and theyll just probably laugh at the tamagotchis. I can just never pluck up the courage to tell them that I collect tamas. i showed one of my most trusted friends my tamagotchis( I only brang two with me to his house) and all he said was "What's that" and he just seemed bored and then his little sister saw and she was like "That's so cute, can I look after him, please please please!!!!!" and she isn't very good at looking after pets so I said he was sleeping. Anyway, when I go into high school(in a few months) I will try and look for someone who likes tamas although I probably wont =(

I'm 13 and I play with my tamas all the time in public. People go "Ummm what is that egg thing?" or "You still play with that stupid virtual pet toy made in 1999?" but I don't care. Once, at school this girl who has a tama (a V4.5) left hers in the desk on accident when she was switching teachers. and I sit in her desk when I switch. I saw it, took care of it and gave it back to her when I saw her. (She was the only person other than me who likes to sneak tamas to school so I knew it was her) So, don't be embarrased to play them in public, who knows? You might make a new friend because of Tamas.

I was an adult when they first came out in 1997. I still play with them now, 14 years later. How about adults who play with model trains, for example? Is that childish? Of course not. You do what you enjoy, and don't pay attention to what others say. I'm almost 56, and still play with tamas, as I previously mentioned.

nehh who cares what they say. whether you're collecting, raising, or both, it's just another hobby, a special one too lol.

people these days will do whatever it takes to drain you of your energy and pride. that's society for you.

i know a girl who collects SOCKS and she's awesome.

i know people give me weird looks when they see a 6 foot, athletic, black guy (at 18 years old) running on a treadmill AND checking on ze tamagotchi.

but i think it's hilarious X)

just be proud :)

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