Studpretzel's Tamagotchi Log.


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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2009
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So, I hadn't played with my tamagotchis since about 2004/2005, but today I decided I would. I only wanted to play with one because I don't have a lot of time, so I decided to play with a V1. It brings back memories of when I was in year 6 at school and everyone had one and we'd always connect them during lunchtimes. Good times. ^.^

So! I found my very first tama, a light pink v1. When I went to put the batteries in, I noticed the buttons weren't working. At all. They'd been a little worn down and hard to press before, but now they were just plain broken. Now, I could have just put the batteries in my other V1 tamagotchi -- in fact, I did for a few hours -- but then I decided I wanted to play with my old one. So I had to perform a little surgery.

I found another old tama v1 that was already kinda taken apart and messed around with, and opened it up, removing the buttons. Then I opened up my pink V1, took out the old buttons, and put in the new ones.

When the transplant was complete, I took the tama for a little test-drive and was delighted to find that it worked! =D Yayy! Only problem was, when I tried to put it back together, there was a weird gap between the two halves and I couldn't seem to put them back together properly. This was pretty annoying, but whatever.

I selected the download option and was reunited with the tama I'd been raising before I'd gotten bored of it and stopped. My overweight Tarakotchi, who I'd named Pawz (man I gave it a stupid name. eh, s'pose it's not that bad) and his baby girl. Ooh, and they're 37 generations. =D Pawz was a little hungry so I fed him a chicken leg, which he then regurgitated to feed his little daughter. How sweet. :3

Later on, I performed some more surgery on the tama and found out what had gone wrong. I'd put some of the screws on the circuitboard in the wrong place. That was quickly fixed up, so Pawz and the baby tama could go back to mindlessly bopping around the screen.

Just a few minutes ago, the duo fell asleep and I turned off their lights. Nighty-night!

I think Pawz is probably going to leave tonight, then I'll have to take care of his baby tomorrow morning. I'll probably have to put it on pause, though, because I'll be at work. Unless it gets up extra early. I have no idea what time it gets up.

Stay tuned for more updates on my tamagotchi-related adventures. xDD

Time for an update!

It turns out Pawz didn't leave overnight, he's still here. So I guess that means he leaves... tonight? I'm not really sure, it's been so long since I played with these little guys so I've forgotten how long the parent is supposed to stay. Well, whatevs.

I played a few games of Jump with Pawz, because he's such a fatty. He's a little less fat now. Oh, and he just pooped. His poops are so big and smelly, compared to those of the baby tama which are all little and cute.

The tama has been pretty quiet all day, tbh. Hasn't even beeped once. I suppose that's good. Now I can concentrate on doing my homework and whatnot. Hate doing homework on the weekends. Eww. Well, at least the school holidays are coming up.

I might start playing with my Music Star tama during the hols, but then again I might not. I mean, I don't have school or work, but it's not like I'll be doing nothing. I'll be pretty darn busy, now that I think about it. I'm still debating whether to take the Music Star out of its package. I don't even know if I want it. I could donate it to charity or something, I bet some kid somewhere might like it. Hmm. I dunno. Eh, I'll think about it later. Right now I'm just happy raising one tama.

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Just another little update:

I decided to open up my tama again and put the old buttons back in, because the more I looked at them, the uglier the yellow ones seemed to get. Besides, I don't think it was the actual buttons that didn't work before. It might have been the little thingies on the back of the circuitboard where the buttons go. They were a little dirty and I cleaned them when I opened up the tama yesterday.

After putting the old pink buttons back in today, I noticed that my tama was missing a reset button. Oops! I must have left that out last time. Hehe, good thing I opened it up. Anyhow, the old pink buttons work perfectly fine. The only reason I really decided to put in yellow ones yesterday was because I was eager to see if it worked and was too impatient to do any further messing around with it.

Anyway, back to the actual tamas! Pawz and his baby are doing fine. I played Jump with Pawz and got all the way to the end! =D

Oh, and if I find out that V1 and V2 tamas can mate, then next week I might just fire up one of my V2 tamas. Probably my blue one. I'd like to play my dark pink one but I have no idea where it is.

Update! =D

Pawz was still there this morning. I was getting awfully sick of seeing that stupid Tarakotchi... I wanted to raise a new one! I tried messing with the clock to see if he would leave, but it didn't work. So I reset my tama. Yeah, I know, it was 37 generations. Eh. Whatevs. I don't really care. I wanted to start over.

At 1:16 PM, a little boy tama hatched from the egg and I named him Oreo. During his hour of being a baby he did the usual things. He ate, he pooped, he went to sleep, bla bla blah. Then he evolved into Marutchi! =D

Oreo has 2 training bars now, and is happily rolling around. (^.^)

I went to school today (and yesterday) so I left the tamagotchi at home, although I set the clock so he would be asleep for most of the day.

Today, he evolved into Ichigotchi almost as soon as I got home and set the time. Yayness. And now he has 4 training points, too.

I decided to raise a V2 instead of a V1. After all, there are more characters. So at 3:01 PM, my V2 tama hatched! It was a boy, and I named him Tango. Tango is doing pretty well. He just gained 1 training point! =D

I wish I could find my other V2 tama. Then I could raise them both and breed them. Oh wells. =P

Yesterday Tango evolved into a teen. He's a young mametchi. So cute! Now he's just dancing around the screen like he usually does. He now has 2 training points.

Also, I kind of suck at the games on the V2. D:

Well it has been a long time since I played them. But I wish the jump game was the same as the one in V1 where the tama jumps over hurdles, and not this weird long jump one. Darn me and my slow reflexes. xDD At least the heading one, with the ball and the jumping up and down and whatnot, it pretty easy.

Oh yeah, tango was just running across the screen and falling over. xD Cute.

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Today was a big day for Tango! For starters, I fed him his favourite food, a sandwich. Wow... yeah... not that exciting. xD

But! Later on I went to check on him and he'd evolved into an adult! He's a Ginjirotchi now. So I guess that means I took good care of him. Good, not great. Well that's still pretty awesome! (^.^)

Man it has been a while since I updated this log. xD

Well, I've been busy. And lazy.

My tamagotchi was on pause for most of the holidays, since I didn't want to bring it with me when I went out or when I took that trip to the snow. But I did occasionally unpause the little bugger.

So, the matchmaker dude (yes, it's secretly a dude) came, and brought along a female tamagotchi for Tango to make a baby with. The baby was a boy. A few days later, Tango farted himself up into the air and was never to be seen again.

I named the baby boy Loki. He evolved into kinakomotchi (yay, my favourite!), then ichigotchi, and then Mimitchi. Woo! :3

Eh yeah that's it.
