Stupid Moments.


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Okay, these are, out of all the stupid things I've ever done, the ones I can remember.

-Was trying to chase a friend on a hill, jumped up to run and landed on my butt!!

-When I was eight these birds were chirping too loud outside so I screamed "SHUT UP!!!!!" then the woman next door looked out the window at me like I was mentally retarded.

-At skating show rehearsals we did this four-way-pinwheel. I had to let go of the other people once we turn around three times. Well the girl next to me messed up and told me to let go at the wrong time and I LISTENED TO HER!!! (I actually wasn't going to let go!) Then we went flying across the ice and everyone was screaming at me...haha.

-Pretended to be running the marathon and crashed into a table and broke a glass.

-Did it again another time and knocked over a mirror.

-Trying to serve in badminton and the racket flew out of my hand and almost gave my friend a concussion.

-Made a goal for the other team.

-Dropped a permanent marker on my favorite skirt.

-Fell and smacked my finger on a metal chair. It was swollen for WEEKS!!!!

Theres more stupid things ready to happen.

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-I was getting my locker closed and I slid.... ._. So happy Mr.H was't there.

-Wore Bermda shorts in cold weather.

-In band I didn't know how to fix my stand... XD

1. Gum fell out of my mouth several times while I was chewing it.

2. My messenger bag strap got caught on my feet like, 11 or 12 times this year.

3. I dropped my phone into the shredder.

4. When I run at school, my phone falls out like, all the tiime when it's in my pocket. Once, I ran to ditch my friend for fun and my phone dropped and the battery fell out. I also stepped on it while running. -.-

5. I got hit in the shin when my 7 year old cousin threw the ball. I got hit like 3 or 4 times.

This was like the worst:

my Aunt was having a get-together, and the kids played in the basment. And my cousins had a punching bag, (the HUGE kind) and I thought I would show off for the kids, so I jumped up with both feet, (Bad idea) and was going to land on my feet, but I slipped and landed on my arm, and broke two bones!!! >.< And I was like " Well that didn't work." and then the pain came, and I ran upstairs to my mom, by this time is was almost crying, and said "Moooom!" really weakly and then started crying a little, and I ran to the bathroom with mom. Then I was bawling for like 1/2 hour. And I said, "Moooom, I...I...I think I broke my arm." and she was like, "You didn't brake your arm, you probaly just jammed it." And then we went to the doctor (because I couldn't move it) and he said I broke two bones!!! That was a while ago, I am fine now!!!

And once I acidentally said "I love you" to one of my friend who happens to be a boy,

'Cause I am used to saying that to my mom! LOL LOL LOL!!!!

We were in France outside some store, and Hannah hugs me. I try and put my arms round her but end up jabbing my thumb straight into her eye.

I dropped a 50p, tried to pick it up, dropped a £1, tried to pick it up, picked them both up, dropped my balloon and chased it halfway round the square before realising that I hadn't even paid for my sunglasses.

Me and Amy tried to eat pancakes. She sprayed squirty cream over me and the woman standing next to me, then I tipped maple syrup down my shirt and got marshmallows stuck to my balloon and my tie.

Then the bottle of kick started leaking out of Amy's bag in the middle of HMV, and I got it all over my trousers and shoes.

1.We were playing volleyball, and my friend was about to serve the ball, instead punched me in the head and my glasses flew off. xD

2. I have this pen that I call my smexy pen. It's purple and it writes in purple ink so it's smexy. And once I thought I left it in the classroom so I rushed back in there looking for it only to find that it wasn't there. So I ran back to the classroom I was supposed to be in and saw that it was right on my desk. xD

3. I had some of that sour spray candy and insteadof spraying it in my mouth, I sprayed my eye. xD

EDIT: I just read through the second page of posts and just came to the realization that sneezing can be dangerous. xDD

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Today, I was searching through my closet, and found 4 furbies. I started them up, and the mother effers still won't go to sleep. They're screws are broken. Great.

-I was sitting on top of a treehouse with my boyfriend last summer, and was about to say: "So when does school start?"

I said "So when" and then flipped off the treehouse and landed on my butt. He was laughing his head off.

-I was yelling 4chan memes, and I yelled: REMEMBER RULE 34!

A teacher glared at me, and said he goes on XD I avoid that teacher.

-Tripped over a pencil and landed on my MALE teacher. *cough*

-Stopped in the middle of the road to tied my shoe. Car went RIGHT over me. I had lay down in the middle of the wheels, I only got some bruises. ._.

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-Yelled Tuba player. IN LA.

-Said Tuba in a Britsish accent. :ichigotchi:

Start talking about random things. People always think I'm hilarious, but I don't.

They think everything I say is funny.



*me being random*

I was sitting against the door in the car (...) and someone opened the door.


I fell out.



But them my friend shouted

"Don't fall out, Girl!"



Now everyone in my family calls me Fall Out Girl xD

1. I ran into the door at Target. It's an automatic door- And I was thinking 'hmmn, maybe I can outrun the door..' And that is exactly what I did. Haha, I left a stain on the door. xD

2. At Shop Rite, I was in the canned food aisle. I was running, and tripped on my foot. I crashed into one side, and everything fell out of the aisle. Both sides- the floor was covered in cans. I ran away soo fast.

3. I got distracted by a squirell and slammed into a parked car. I got hit by a parked car xD

-Fell over and spained my ankle(Ow.)

-Started doing a 'random smiley parade' with the occaisional nudge to one of my friends on MSN.(Until she told me to stop) :)

-Visited one of my friend's Animal Crossing towns with my character dressed as Luigi and constantly shouting 'I AM LUIGI!' (I even posted it onher message board a few hundred times so she could remember it.) :(

-Sung the no.2 pencil song from making fiends at my friend until she told me to stop. :lol: (How do my friends manage to put up with me?)

-Laughed my head off for no reason. :lol:

-Tried all the free samples in the food section at IKEA(Including coffee beans) :lol:

^_^ TamagotchiGirl2007 -_-

My friend, her brother, his friend and I were all sleeping in a tent, in the middle of February, and decided to make s'mores. With lighters. Surrounded by flammable material. [Although it would have made us considerably warmer! ;D]

In the tech lab, I was in a spinny chair [as we call them], with my back to Shane.. Then he came up beside me and grabbed my leg really hard and, without thinking, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!" Everybody in the room was staring at us. D:

Too many things to list.

I constantly have blonde moments.

Like today I was searching all over my house for my bathing suit and it ended up on my doornknob Dx

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