Stupid people- shouldn't even have pets.


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Gah, right now I am ticked off.

Our stupid neighbors got two dogs and just left them in a washing room that was smaller than 5 by 3 feet [one in a wire cage 2 by 3] ALL DAY. Never cared about them- just had them. Thankfuly they gave one away leaving them with one dog PLUS two cats PLUS a guine pig. THEN one of the cats had this awful cough and both cats were REALLY skinny and had fleas all over the place. [My brother and his friend took care of them while the family was on vacation].

The cat has freak'n leakemia which is untreatable with the other cat who will get it for sure also BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T AFFORD THE PETS MUCH LESS THE SHOTS THAT COULD HAVE SAVED THEM BOTH!!!!! D:< It's horrible! The dog is cramped up in this teeny room with pee on the floor, the guine pig died [and is in a better place right now, thank goodness!!!] and the cats are going to dye because of their selfishness.

UG! What's wrong with these people!?!

Report the people to Animal Control.
I guess I could do that, but it's not like they 'hurt' the pets by hitting and not getting the shots was indeed stupid and they shouldn't have pets but is that enough to get them taken away?

My mom probably wouldn't let me anyways as it would cause a whole neighborhood feud. >.>

I guess I could do that, but it's not like they 'hurt' the pets by hitting and not getting the shots was indeed stupid and they shouldn't have pets but is that enough to get them taken away?
My mom probably wouldn't let me anyways as it would cause a whole neighborhood feud. >.>
They may not beat them, but it sounds like they're neglecting them.

The cats sound underfed, they didn't get them the shots they need, the dog is kept in a tiny cage living in it's urine, and I'm assuming like the cats hasn't had it's shots.

If you guys have actually seen the animals, that should be good enough. If your brother takes care of them again, have him take pictures as evidence.

If your mom wont let you in fear of neighborhood fights, you can make the call anonymous.

I think that's the only way to help the animals though. Animal Control will(or at least should) get the animals to health and find a family who will take good care of them, or at least put them in an animal shelter for adoption.

They may not beat them, but it sounds like they're neglecting them.
The cats sound underfed, they didn't get them the shots they need, the dog is kept in a tiny cage living in it's urine, and I'm assuming like the cats hasn't had it's shots.

If you guys have actually seen the animals, that should be good enough. If your brother takes care of them again, have him take pictures as evidence.

If your mom wont let you in fear of neighborhood fights, you can make the call anonymous.

I think that's the only way to help the animals though. Animal Control will(or at least should) get the animals to health and find a family who will take good care of them, or at least put them in an animal shelter for adoption.
Ok. My brother is there now [our friend is taking care of the animals again]. I'll go get some pics if I can. The only thing is I have a cat so my brother and I have to be very careful that we don't get any of the cats' body fluids endangering our cats.

[i'll post pics if I get them.]

Ugh, that's just being lazy to not take care of your pets. Or either they just don't blankly care.

Well maybe you could ask them for the pets, or yeah report them..

Sorry if I didn't help much. :angry:

It's neglect which I think is a form of abuse but either way they still shouldn't have that many pets if they can't afford to get their shots, food and a place for them to sleep and live in rather than a cramped up room where the dog has to live in It's excrement.

I think you should report them regardless of whether is starts a community feud. If It's for the safety of other living creatures then you should do it.

Otherwise maybe confront them about it and tell them that you've realised what they're doing and maybe they'll stop.

I hate people like that. :( If you can't aford the vets, you can't aford the pet! If you aren't going to bother taking the animal to the vet then just forget getting a pet! I'd would call someone soon so those poor animals no longer have to suffer in those living condsions. I can't see how someone can live with themselves for treating an animal like that, they are defensless against their owners. When I was a young girl we adopted a stray kitten with Cat Leukemia without realizing it. You try telling a little eight year old that her 10 month old kitten has to be put to sleep. Its like a death sentence to a cat, now because of a irresposable owners two cats have their life shortened. ):< They may not have hit the animals but depriving them of food and vet care is a form of abuse. I have an abused cat at home and its sad, he flinches when you go to pet his head. :(

I thought animal control was more to control vicious pets. I dunno.


What did your neighbors have to say about it and how did you find out?



That's horrid. I don't understand why people even want pets if they aren't going to keep them well. What's the fun if a pet doesn't love you back? (And I would be sure that those pets do NOT like their owners.)

I thought animal control was more to control vicious pets. I dunno. 

What did your neighbors have to say about it and how did you find out?


Animal Investgators are the ones who deal with Animal Cruelity and arresting those who commit the crime. Gosh I really have been thinking this as a career choice lately. Pets aren't vicious by nature people train them that way.(poor animals) I thought animal control worked with relocating wild animals that find themselves stuck in a persons chimney and things like that. Then again maybe it depends on what state you live in.

I thought animal control was more to control vicious pets. I dunno. 

What did your neighbors have to say about it and how did you find out?


Well, my brother took over watching the animals when my other neightbor couldn't. I went in there and it was horrible. x.x Fleas were everywhere.

They haven't said anything because we havn't. They will get good quality care for the next two weeks but then after that...

Is there any other way to get them help [maybe confrontation] before I do anything?

Like, I just can't, I really want to help, but if there's any other way to do something PLEASE TELL ME!!

I really appreciate all your replies. Thank you so much.

[They do have food and now the dog does get to roam around the house but the room where the dog used to stay smells horrible because they only clean the cats' litter box once every two days. >.<]

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"they only clean the cats' litter box once every two days. "

Um... 0__o Isn't that like, SUUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR unhealthy?

(I forget how much cats poop X3 Our cats just go to the bathroom outside, since they're always outside anyways.)

I thought animal control was more to control vicious pets. I dunno. 

What did your neighbors have to say about it and how did you find out?


Not only to control animals but stupid people who can't take care of them either :D

"they only clean the cats' litter box once every two days. "Um... 0__o Isn't that like, SUUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR unhealthy?

(I forget how much cats poop X3 Our cats just go to the bathroom outside, since they're always outside anyways.)
Yeah- luckily my cat only poops once a day and that's bad enough! Imagine two sick cats [who probably poo more than once a day each!] sitting around for two days!!

Pretty sickening. v.v

"they only clean the cats' litter box once every two days. "Um... 0__o Isn't that like, SUUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR unhealthy?

(I forget how much cats poop X3 Our cats just go to the bathroom outside, since they're always outside anyways.)
I think it depends on how many cats you have too. We have to scoop our kitty litter boxes everyday because of the two cats. When we had just the one cat you could let it go for two days. With two cats everyday scooping I think is a must.

I think it depends on how many cats you have too. We have to scoop our kitty litter boxes everyday because of the two cats. When we had just the one cat you could let it go for two days. With two cats everyday scooping I think is a must.
I think it also depends on what kind of litter you have too. I should probably tell my friend to clean it everyday while he's taking care of them.

Well, my brother took over watching the animals when my other neightbor couldn't. I went in there and it was horrible. x.x Fleas were everywhere. They haven't said anything because we havn't. They will get good quality care for the next two weeks but then after that...

Is there any other way to get them help [maybe confrontation] before I do anything?

Like, I just can't, I really want to help, but if there's any other way to do something PLEASE TELL ME!!

I really appreciate all your replies. Thank you so much.

[They do have food and now the dog does get to roam around the house but the room where the dog used to stay smells horrible because they only clean the cats' litter box once every two days. >.<]
I honestly don't think confronting your neighbors about it is a good idea. Mainly because if you *do* call Animal Control later on, they'll have a better idea of who called them in.

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