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Ura Togetchi

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
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I just broke up today. :furawatchi: When did everybody else break up/is breaking up?

I left Junior school and in September I start High School. :angry:

I'm sooooooooo exited!!! :angry: :) :angry: :) :blink: :) :wub:

*is confused* Um... boyfriend/girlfriend break up? :ichigotchi: Or break free from school?

I am free of school for a month and a week.

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I think break free from school.

I got out June 4th! Goin' back August 25th, and this summer, I don't have band camp! HUZZAH!! :ichigotchi:

I ended school on June 5. I have until August 4. Mainly because thats when band camp starts. If I wasn't in band camp I'd go back August 25.

Good luck in High School! Its alot of fun! I'm abou to eter my second year of high school! A.K.A I'll be a Sophmore!

I'm going to be a Freshman too~~. n____n

I'm so excited.

I'm taking Japanese 1~!!


I got out June 6th.

School starts again like August 27th or sometime around then.

But I'm on vacation for the first week of school. ^^;;

So I'll start after Labor Day weekend.

September 2nd or 3rd I think.

I'm pretty bummed about missing the first week of high school. :X

But I luffff the beach. <33 :furawatchi:


I go back September 5th.

Grade 6th, still elementary here in Canada. I can't wait, I heard I got real good teachers.

Wow, you must be in the same year as me, but in a different area. o___o;;

I just broke up today, Middle School's gone forever. D:

Then I start High school in september, C':

I 'broke up' on july 1st. I go back on August 19th, but work is being done on the school so I go back on the 26th instead.

I am going into High School! Woot! Kinda makes me sad that I'll never see primary again, but my mum works in my primary, so it's kind of a relief.

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