Summer Reading Books


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
well, in shool.. it's usually manditory to read a a book. well, what book did you read?

I'm reading The Theif Lord, because I'm going into 8th grade.

Oh jeeze D: I still have to do that.

This is the first year I've gotten summer reading. Required books were The Life of Pi and Into the Wild (Into the Wild was excellent, but The Life of Pi was kind of slow). Then we had a list of optional (we had to pick at least one). So I did Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Red Sky at Morning. But I still need to take notes on all the books. I had this supid plan that I would read them first and then take notes on them, so I've read them but I need to take notes on all of them. Which I should go do now.

I am going into 7th... I read Kira-Kira... School starts in one week and I yet have to read one more book (Coraline) and I have to do both reports... Wow... That is a lot...

Strangely enough, I didn't get one. I thought I would, going into 9th grade honors and all...but no.

My friends in California had to read Great Expectations, though.

I kinda wish I had been assigned something. Weird, I know.

Strangely enough, I didn't get one. I thought I would, going into 9th grade honors and all...but no.
My friends in California had to read Great Expectations, though.

I kinda wish I had been assigned something. Weird, I know.
OHhh my friends had to read that.

i'm in 10th grade and i'm reading "Speak" which is SUCH AN AMAZING BOOK.

I seriously think everyone should read it. I can relate so well to it.

Well, we weren't only assigned to READ... we in fact, had to write a story! At least 100 pages! In two months! That's impossible. I'm only 30 pages into it, and I'm working on other stories, too. >_<

But we had to read the first book in the DragonLance Series, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Tuck Everlasting (again?).

Well, we weren't only assigned to READ... we in fact, had to write a story! At least 100 pages! In two months! That's impossible. I'm only 30 pages into it, and I'm working on other stories, too. >_<
But we had to read the first book in the DragonLance Series, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Tuck Everlasting (again?).
I really liked To Kill A Mockingbird. I read it for fun a few summers ago.

My friend didn't like it, but I did.

I wasn't asigned anything, but I read anyway. I <33 reading.
I have a list of books I need to get. At the top of the list is A Mango Shaped Space.
I heard about taht book! My friend said it's really good. ^.^

My school doesn't require it, but I probably read more books this summer than I do during school.

There is so much more time to read!

I had no summer reading books on my list. But since I don't have much of a Social Life, I read. Hayy. It passes the time, and it's better than most of the crap they show on TV these days. x..x;;

[SIZE=7pt]Summer Reading or not, I would have read. Reading is my best friend, you know :3[/SIZE]

I read Tuck Everlasting and Coraline ^.^
