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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
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During the Summer I'm going to The Grand Canyon, and then YellowStone National Park! It will be so much fun; I can't wait. Even though I will miss not going to school every day. At least I'll get some time to relax. Has any one else been to either of those two places. If so are there any tips I should take or some things to look for? You seee this year was my year to pick where to go, and right away I said YellowStone and Grand Canyon. Those are my two most favorite places to be. I just love Wyoming. Out of those two I am the most anxcious to go to YellowStone. My friend TJ went to the Grand Canyon and his family told him to stay in one spot and wait for them. But then they forgot about him and left to go back to the hotel. He was left there for two hours until they realized he was gone! Hopefully my family doesn't do that to me.So where you going?

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I'm going to France with my French class, and then to Hilton Head at the end of summer. I should have lots of fun!

I am going to the Greek Island of Crete for 2 weeks (huzzah!!!) - can't wait.

I am also going to visit relatives in Ireland during July and spend a week in a holiday cottage in West Cork :mimitchi:

My best friend Rachel and I are going with her dad and brother to Florida. We are renting a beach house and everything!

Hm...this summer won't be as exciting as last summer. We went to Europe last summer, so this year, we're taking a break and going somewhere closer.

We're planning on going to Fairmont, in British Columbia, for a few days and then driving a little further and staying in a hotel in a nice place for about a week or so with our friends.

Then, there's always the weekend camping trips we go on and the parks and swimming pools.

My life is busy. I spend almost every single day of the summer with my best friends. We plan a lot of fun trips together.

During the Summer I'm going to The Grand Canyon, and then YellowStone National Park! It will be so much fun; I can't wait. Even though I will miss not going to school every day. At least I'll get some time to relax. Has any one else been to either of those two places. If so are there any tips I should take or some things to look for? You seee this year was my year to pick where to go, and right away I said YellowStone and Grand Canyon. Those are my two most favorite places to be. I just love Wyoming. Out of those two I am the most anxcious to go to YellowStone. My friend TJ went to the Grand Canyon and his family told him to stay in one spot and wait for them. But then they forgot about him and left to go back to the hotel. He was left there for two hours until they realized he was gone! Hopefully my family doesn't do that to me.So where you going?
OMG I am goin' to all those places too! That is




Trips for sure:

I'm going to Pennsylvania for a week to visit relatives.

Washington DC for 4th of July: ties into the Pensylvania trip. Still very fun.

San Francisco probably numerous times a week because I practically live there [so it's not really a trip, but whatever P:]

Monterey, I love it there.




LA to just chill.

Seattle for my birthday.

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I get to go to a city some odd hours away from my house the first week of summer vacation for camp and my families annual Minnesota trip. ^^

I am going to the Greek Island of Crete for 2 weeks (huzzah!!!) - can't wait.
I am also going to visit relatives in Ireland during July and spend a week in a holiday cottage in West Cork :p
Ireland?! Muhahaha, I'll be sure to see you! :angry: *evil grin*

Anyway, I might be going to see my little 6 year old friend in England- she's so sweet! ^_^ For her 5th B-Day, she asked her mum could I go to her party. Her mum was like "Pet, ____ lives in Ireland." The little girl- let's call her J- she said "So? She can get a plane! Please let her come!" Her mum told me. :p Apperantly, she never stops talking about me, and I cannot wait to see her!

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Normally my summers are pretty dull - stay in one place, eat a ton of popcorn and ice cream, and stare at the computer screen. But this is going to be my best summer ever! We're going to Colorado, Texas, water parks, and I have three weeks of summer camp. ^_^ And that one last thing you need to make your summer complete - Tamatalk! :D

I am going to sit around and do nothing all day, every day.

Oooh I've never gone Greece! TamaMum I hope you tell us how it is like over there. As for me I'll be going to Venezuela in South America for the whole summer. My mom and her side of the family lives there so I get to see them! Also I get to see my friends!!! and I get to play street soccer with some boys that live in the building. Yup I think I'm going to have a blast over there!!!! And since my mom has a computer I'll be using it while she is at work. So I'll still be here on TT....just not as often.

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