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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
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Mississippi. 'Nuff said.
Well, I just wanna know what other people are doing this summer.

My dad's flying all the way from Maryland tonight, so I'll do stuff with him this weekend. Also,my B-day party is on Saturday at Gattitown(an 11-year-old version of Chuck E. Cheese)so that'll be fun. All summer long we plan to swim at the Family YMCA alot, and we may go to Fort Walton or Destin, Florida like we did last July.

So what will you do? Summer School? Camp? Whatever it is, post it here!

My original plans were to go to Czech Republic.. but no... -throws a knife at a picture of some one- So I'll hang here in Long Beach.. and go to the beach and watch anime... and I have to loose like 30 kilos.

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Well, I don't get out of school until June 16, and it will be the earliest I've ever gotten out of school since in the elementary school we got out usually one the 28th.

Over the summer I plan to go to friend's houses, go on the computer, and go fishing with my dad.

In July my cousin is coming over from Hawaii.

In August I am going to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming or somewhere there.

Don't expect me to be "super-active" over the summer.

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swiming in a lake

goofin off with friends

goin to cape may


going to my aunts (mabey)

im going to my dance school for 4 weeks 6 days a week 9:30-7:00 its basically ballet,stretching ,and point.(i am 12)

I Have... the most exciting and energizing answer... in the history of exciting and energizing answers...



So much for summer fun.

I will:

-Visit family

-Go swimming

-Watch anime

-Read manga

-Play computer

-Go to Otakon (<333)

-Play with my friends

- && glomp people


EDIT: Oh'. I'm going to a concert too. (I might see AAR, LP, JB, Paramore, or someone else. Not sure yet. I also have to check out concert dates.)

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1. Going to Vancouver like every year. (I just love those twelve hour road trips and seeing mah cousins.)

2. Horse back riding lessons

3. Swimming lessons

4. Some summercamp...maybe an acting camp, a writing camp, or a French camp...

5. Play computer

6. Mope around because of lack of friends and school

7. Write

8. Draw

My school year ends at June 25th. I can always wait till that day. I worry. I love school.


hawaii here i comee!!

plus i have a job at the pool this summer!


Swim team, mostly. Time trials is actually in just one week. I'm so excited! I will also be going to Disneyland (and we get to fly! No ten hour long drive) and maybe doing a little bit of camping with my girl scout troop. And because I'm going to a private school next year that has a longer summer than my town does, I'm going to be getting a longer summer than all my friends. :huh:

But yeah, swimming pretty much dominates my summer. We have about three hours of practice a day, I spend about an hour and a half collectively walking home from practice/to practice and I hang out at the pool almost all day too. That plus meets two to three times a week = all the time I have in my summer.

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Theres only like 5 more days of school.

I will be horse back riding in Sweet Water

That will be one of the reasons i won't be active in summer

NOTE: my last day of school is may 30th

July 8-August 13 in Europe. (Germany. Croatia. Bosnia. Italia)

June 27-July 7 = Fun stuff. Stalk teacher. Pack. Pack some more.

August 14-End of summer = Unpack. Craziness with Melisa. Even more craziness with Caitlyn.

on another off topic ness >> sat. may 24 = my birthday woot woot excited

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