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Wow doglover your so brave if it were me I probably would have cried and go inside. Lol im a wuss sometimes. LOL tamagirl nice way of summing it up XD. - I'm not laughing to be mean btw -

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Wow I really am impressed about how calm some of y'all are being about this stuff!!

an other embaracing momen happened in chourus today

we were looking at songs we could do for our spring show and the group I was in really wanted to flirt with some of the guys so we stationed our selves near them and my back was facing them

then this on guy named brice he was scooting up in his seat to see the songs better and he fell!!!!




my sister's ex-boyfriend is always tring to flirt with me in front my sister

he is plain rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I was on the drama play in fifth-grade and we were playing "cinderella" and I accidentally said the lines of cinderella... ;)

I accidentally mooned my maths teacher.

I once was asked out by the hottest guy ever and while my victory dance was embarrasing enough I tripped and crashed through a glass door.

I was on stage acting the lead role and I got caught in the wiring, fell over and down the flight of stairs dragging 2 other actors down too. Everyone called me Trixie Tripster cos the characher I played was called Trixie Trepster.

I once acted the role of a cab chick called Retardia Cabbage. Half the time where I hurt my self I wasn't acting.

I was singing and I had to sing really high. I was going great then my voice cut out and I lost my voice. I couldn't even talk.

In hockey I took out 5 people at the same time and have given guys bruises where they don't want any.

funny thing about the phrase "OFF UR CHEST" heh heh listen to this
i was a the pool with friends and i noticed the CUTEST guy was looking at me so i tried to look good in the way i swam then i sat up on the steps and all of the sudden i felt cold then i looked down and my bikini top was not on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looked every were and hopped back into the pool, it was in the MIDDLE OF THE POOL!! i had to swim all the way over there and to top it all off i got in trouble from the life gaurd cuz they thought is was on purpose, they called me a huligan!!
Same here but i had dived in and lost it then and I didn't relise until i had rolled onto my back. I was nicknamed flasher by most but my fan club (yes a group of 3 wierd guys) called me hotstuff and chested. I overheard the popular guys saying that they nver relised just how much i had 'there'. I'm brave and learned to ignore it.

Only a few days ago, My first probably REAL girlfriend, (i'm 12 and will be 13 in a few months) Asked me if I wanted to be her boy friend in a letter delivered by her sister, and I said yes. Only the next day I laughed so hard at lunch milk came out my nose. she didn't see me but when I did talk to her I was so shy all I could do was tell her and then she looked at me funny. I dont think she cared but i still felt really embaresd... :wub: :lol: :(

Two embarrasing monents...

1- I was in a Japanese Restaurant and I had to use chopsticks to eat O.O I didn't know how to use them and I was still staring at the plate and the chopsticks when my parents finished their food!! Then, a cartoon lightbulb flashed and I stuck one stick in the fish and I began eating!! Then I saw everyone staring and laughing at me..... CRINGE OR WHAT ?! D:

2- (In the same Japanese restaurant)I was wearing a mega beautiful outfit and I was going to the toilet.The restaurant had slippery floor and I saw a group of cute boys.When I passed them,I smiled a little and then,right in front of them I SLIPPED! O.O Those boys began laughing at me and *spoiled brat voice*I told my daddy what happened and I started crying because I got embarrased!! AAAAHHHH

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This is embarrassing.

I fancied this guy at the moment (Same age) and I was walking with my friends trying to walk near him. I did but my friend pushed me to say tag and I slipped into him and tumbelled into him. Worse of all was I twisted my ankle so he had to (Nearly) carry me to first aid

This happened to me freshman year in band class.

Something I do is I change my jeans every other day. When I take my pants off, I take off my underwear at the same time. So one day I put my pants on, forgetting to take yesterday's underwear out of my jeans. I didn't realize it it until I got to band. I was walking, and I felt something fall out of my pant leg. I thought it was just my imagination. After I got my sax out of the storage room, everyone starts laughing. There's a thong on the floor and no one knows whose it is. I finally owned up to it, saying that my laundry got mixed up with my stepmom's.

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Mine's more funny than embarrassing but...

I was getting my double bass (the big upright one for those who are non-bass players) I set it down on it's side. Then, my boyfriend walks in (he plays the violin) I walk over to my bass not paying much attention, I trip over the scroll and Chip( my bass) was on top of me!!! He started to laugh while I got up. My music teacher saw the whole thing and he thought I was wrestling the bass (he was joking though) I still laugh about it and say I won. LOL

BTW: My bass is 24 pounds.

This happened to me freshman year in band class.
Something I do is I change my jeans every other day. When I take my pants off, I take off my underwear at the same time. So one day I put my pants on, forgetting to take yesterday's underwear out of my jeans. I didn't realize it it until I got to band. I was walking, and I felt something fall out of my pant leg. I thought it was just my imagination. After I got my sax out of the storage room, everyone starts laughing. There's a thong on the floor and no one knows whose it is. I finally owned up to it, saying that my laundry got mixed up with my stepmom's.
lol if I said that about my mom no one could picture it!!!!

I'll share a few:


I told a couple of my guy friends,

"You have grass on you're butt." and there like,

"You we're looking at our butts." then I was like,

"" then I mumbled for a minute then walked away.



The people in my school who don't know me well refer to me as the "Quiet Girl" or "The Girl That Never Talks".

At my table my crush and my friend we're having a sick conversation. It was funny though. It was funny though, I laughed for twelve minutes straight then they said -very loudly-

"Hey! Look at Lynn!" and then a lot of people watched me laugh like an idiot. -when I laugh I sound like a hiyena (sp?)-


As I told you, people who don't know me think I'm shy so one day my one guy friend was like,

"Go tell you're girlfriend." -I'm a girl xD- and I was like,

"What the h-l- that gay!" really loud and people we're giving me the "Did the quiet/shy girl just say that" look. xD

The other day I told my friend as a joke, "In the locker room during gym class, I'm going to show you my sexy bra!" as a joke, and then she told the guy sitting next to us, and he said, "But you don't have enough to wear a bra." Then I got really mad at my friend. xD

I have TONS!!

Today in lunch i had a salad and my uperwear(a salad dressing container) wasnt closed right and when I tried closing it my elbow hit my salad container and a olive came out and i'm like "Oh crap!"

I went to a camp in grade 6 and we had a high ropes thing where you had to go across an obstacle course above ground (on ropes <_< ). I was on the course and I was resting on one of the pieces of wood. I slid off the wood, and ripped my pants :furawatchi: This got everyone's attention and everyone was going "nice undies Jess!", even the teachers :nazotchi:

Super embarassing.

Augh... this one is pretty bad.

In science class last year we had a substitute teacher and she was making everyone read right out of the book. It was my turn and I don't have a problem reading, it's just that sometimes I studder for no reason. Well, I got to the part where I was supposed to read "organism" and I kept on studdering and I suddenly just blurted out "orgasm!"

Man, I was SOOOO imbeeeeeereeeesssssed!

Okay this is really embarrasing.(it happened to my friend)

Once, my friend was in the bathroom,right?It was really full in there cause the girls had just finished picture day and they all wanted to change.So,my friend was in one of the stalls and she was completly butt naked about to change.But the door wasn't closed and the door swung open with her in the nude!She said that she was so embarrassed that she couldn't move.Then, one girl just started eewing and soon everyone was(except some were laughing).

Man,I would kill myself if that happened to me!!

Augh... this one is pretty bad.
In science class last year we had a substitute teacher and she was making everyone read right out of the book. It was my turn and I don't have a problem reading, it's just that sometimes I studder for no reason. Well, I got to the part where I was supposed to read "organism" and I kept on studdering and I suddenly just blurted out "orgasm!"

Man, I was SOOOO imbeeeeeereeeesssssed!
haha my best mate did that same thing substitute teacher and all.

Today was my last day of primary school and as I walked off the stage I walked into a chair and yelled 'Owwies'

I'm fabulous at graceful exits

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