Super Tamas!


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Well-known member
May 8, 2007
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Super tamas:

:wacko: :power:Telekinises,Mind reading, force feilds,:name:Shamic

:ph34r: Power:Telport,super strength:name:Samiz

:) Power:just has super ninja powers :p :name:Savor

;) Power:Fly:name:Swayz

Together they are: THE SUPER SSSS'S...

Super evil of ultimate destrocion demolishing psycopathic cycotic demented tamas...of evilness.....:

:( Power:Invisibility:name:Bo'ss


:mimitchi: Power:Quickness:name:Seems

Now on to the story!

The super SSS'S were in there super hq's watching over the town with the hidden cameras all over the place.Just to watch out for the villans. Suddenly, the cameras went off. "wait wat happened?" asked Shamic.

A ^_^ named Sarah had a weather power.

She joined Super Tamas.

Sarah attacked :p with giant raindrops, and made it snow, causing :eek: to freese and die.

:D was furios and he grabbed Swayz and turned invisible so that the others could not find him.
Savor shot those ninja knive things and Sarah protected everyone exept :hitodetchi: with sunshine. ;) got hit, and also died. Swayz was found hurd, but still alive.

One more to go.

Make him hard to beat!

sarah made it rain on laughy. shamic read his mind. "he gonna do a surprise attack!!!1" then, laughy struck lightening!!! he push the others over and got struck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Everyone exept Sarah died.

"You cannot mess up my rain! I'm a weather god!" Sarah said.

Sarah used Laughy's lightning to earn electric powers and used all her electricity on Savor to make him back to life.

"You... You used all your electric powers to save me instead of fighting alone... Thanks." Savor said softly.

Then A Shady Character Appeared In The Distance. Everyone Alive Looked At It. " Its A Mametchi!" Screamed Sarah Dreamily. " No It Has A Scarf... OMG! ITS HIM ITS HIM!!!" Said A Random Violetchi Called Daisy. " Who Would That Be?" Asked Sarah. " KUROMAMETCHI!!!!" Screamed Daisy. " Oh Yeah! That Dude Called Watson! He Is SOOOO Dreamy" Drooled Sarah. Suddenly Watson Ran Towards Sarah With Hearts In His Eye While Sarah Stood With A Confused Brain And A Pounding Heart.

Watson was evil.

"Just kidding!" Sarah said. She made it rain on Watson, then caused it to snow which freezed him and killed him.

"The only one who I love is Savor!" Sarah said.

Savor was blushing.

"But wait! We have to defeat Laughy!" Savor said.

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Daisy was EVIL. She made Shamic and Swayz come back to life and hypnotized Swayz(She can only hypnotize boys, and Savor was in love with Sarah, so that did not work)!

But A Different Character Came Towards It Was Mametchi Who Was Named Saturn. (Hes Not Evil) He Came And Unhypnotized Daisy (She Was Hypnotized by Watson) And She Was Returned To Normal And Instantly Hugged Tight By Daisy. It Took Him A Few Seconds To Hug Her Back (Luv :3). Laughy Laughed And Started To Attack With Lightning. Saturn Pushed Daisy Out Of The Way And Jumped Into The Lightning And Sacrificed His Life For Daisy And All Her Friends. Daisy Was Sad. She Couldn't Stop Weeping But Then She Felt Something. She Was Learning A Power. Daisy Reach Up At The Sun Which Made Her Form A Electric Blue Lightning Ball And Threw It Into Saturn. Saturn Woke Up. And It Started To Rain. The Sun Went Away. Saturn Got Up " Daisy..... Your A Super Tama!" Said Saturn " Really?" Asked Daisy " Really!" Said Saturn "You Know I'm A Psychic And I Know That Power Is Called Sunball. It Can Only Be Used In The Sun But Its Very Hard To Use. You Can Only Use It In The Sun And When Your Sad And Mad. Like When A Loved One Is Murdered!" Said Saturn. "wow! But I Think We Have To Worry On Laughy!" Said Daisy They All Looked Up At Laughy And Saturn Lernt A Power It Was.....

It was called Kuchi help and PK Flash (LOL. PK Flash was Ness's move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

He used Kuchi Help and Kuchipatchi(Fred, an adverage tama) and Tarakotchi (Lucas, and is a super tama) "PK FLASH!" Saturn said. A green light appeard over Saturn.

Then it was near Laughy and suddenly, it grew big and bright. It was so bright that Laughy was burned.

"Wow. That was pretty." Sarah said.

Laughy was hypnotized by Boss, that is why he was evil, but was un hypnotized.

"Thank you for saving me!" Laughy said.

Suddenly, a big BANG!!!!!!!!! was heard. EVERYBODY stopped moving then...

saturn drooped to da ground (and remember daisy cant use her sunball cause its raining :) )

Sarah made it sunny and then Daisy used sunball.

The BANG was actually Boss coming back to life.

Daisy Used Sunball In Reverse To Defeat Boss Again

Suddenly Daisy Fell Into A Trap. SHE fell under ground stuck in a huge hole in the dirt.

and leraned a new power called 4eva wolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 EVER WOLF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she screamed turning into a wolf drew the sun and bought saturn back to life then everbody marrided except laguhty who decided to go and date wiht his girl friend who was a :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :angry:

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