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In the presence of others, no. I don't like language like that, so I try not to use it around people. Occasionally, I'll slip out a "crap" or "sucks" but that's usually the only things I'll say. However, I have been known to get really angry at times so when I'm alone in my room I'll curse to myself out of anger or frustration. But I make sure no one hears me.

Yeeahh. Ayyy-lott.

I don't cuss for the heck of it, but it's a habit for me. If someone's being rude to me, I'll let a word or two slip and when I'm angry--I cuss nonstop for absolutely ever. When people annoy me really really badly--that's when the f-word comes out.

Too me, it's not a big deal. I honestly don't mind but if someone does mind, I will under no circumstances cuss in front of them (one of my best friends doesn't like cussing so I don't do it in front of her).

Because the thing with me is words are words. Hell--the f-word could have been synonymous with water. It's just how people take things and how we use the meanings to me.

Yeeahh. Ayyy-lott.I don't cuss for the heck of it, but it's a habit for me. If someone's being rude to me, I'll let a word or two slip and when I'm angry--I cuss nonstop for absolutely ever. When people annoy me really really badly--that's when the f-word comes out.
I'm exactly the same :D

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^ I'm so oblivious to cussing that a person could cuss me out anywhere, anytime and I would take zero offense. And I see that as a good thing. :)

And some people who know me well don't take offense when I cuss at them, because they know I cuss.

Yea, I have to admit it, I'm pretty much a sailor most of the time. But.. for me, it seems that the more stressed out that I get, and the more things start to get bad here at home, I curse more and more, and end up yelling a lot.

mostly though, it's day to day, the s word and the d word, and not much more. The F-Bomb is only dropped in extreme situations for myself. Oh, and the H word. By the way, I talking like this more for the sake of others than myself, I don't want to go planting idea;s in younger kids heads. But, then again, people here seem pretty responsible

I always try to stop myself. Nope I don't swear.

Unless you call Oh My you know what a swear word which isn't.

At school- Yes.

Home- Mouth it/think it.

At school, I say "crap, frig, sucks, heck, and shut up." Although I'm not permitted to say frig, heck, or shut up. Although sometimes dad tries to get me to say heck.

When I'm at home, I mouth the 'F' word often. Just cause meh dumb dad ticks me off SOOO easily. And once I dreamt I said the 'F' word because I was stuck in a maze! Holey Crap! lol

I've sworn. Sometimes. I don't use the F-bomb at all, I just use a silverware substitute. :( And I once said ******* nearby my dad. He threatened me that if I didn't clean up my words, he'd give me the "soap and water" treatment. :kusatchi: And Emberwing, unfortunately, back-seat-moderates me, I can't even get away with a "shut up". :lol:

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