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I did'nt used to curse. My friends were a bad influence ._.

I usually don't. I hate to. My dad curses every second word, so Idk why I don't. If I'm really mad, I'll be like in mt mind "F__ B__ What the H__ is F___ wrong with you? AH__" Yeah. If I cursed more, I would have more friends of diff types. ):

I swear a lot when I'm upset or angry. Usually in my head, I'd never say the f word out loud.

Or at times on the computer, just not TT. A lot of the time on MSN.

But yeah, I swear when I'm angry Like right now

No. Never. Never have sweared in my life. Sometimes I'll really want to say something, but it just won't come out. xDD
*claps* Good girl ;)

I remember dropping a few F bombs when I was 9 or 10... But now I prefer not to. I find it uncomfortable when people around me are swearing and I feel like white trash when I say swears myself.

I mean, I'm not a very attractive person, so I try really hard to be as attractive as possible. I figure I may as well be ugly and polite instead of ugly and rude, right?

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not saying I'm a POLITE person XD

I swore like my friends aunt when I was 10 and had a FreeWebs. I really hate to remind myself of those times.

Yeah I swear a lot but it depends who I'm around. :D

Swearing is like BANNED from my house. Nor do I have the need to swear there though.

I don't usually tend to swear at school. But I do it from time to time.

I swear a lot around my boyfriend and his friends though. > :p

And I swear the most in my head. XD...♥

Ummm.....okay...yes...a lot xD A lot a lot. I don't mind swearing. To tell you the truth, whenever I'm mad, it kind of makes me feel better xP So yes. I don't mind it, I'm not offended by it, and I do it. =P



I do swear, yeah. But I usually I make up/use other words instead of using "foul language".

Such as, 'fudgecakes', 'bracelet' and 'applebomber'.

I called someone a cheesecake once. D:

^ Ohh yeah. I do that too. I'll be like:


But that's only when I'm reallllly mad. xD

...But, I rarely swear. Like, If I'm in pain, I do. Or I do something stupid. And if my mum annoys me I'll swear under my breath
Same here.

I have said the "f" word yesterday because my internet connection was lame. :eek:


I am finally starting to replace those terrible, foul words with my little made up words that have absolutely no meaning whatsoever.

At the moment I have: Shiz, Shizzlecakes, Oh my dog, Ham it and Cricket pitch.

And Kendal, calling someone a cheesecake is epical.

Only when I'm with friends, when I'm around my dad, heck you can forget about swearing. I DO swear, but it's not like, in every sentence that comes out of my mouth. I tend to use a lot of nasty words when I'm mad or nervous, but I don't like doing it. I stop myself sometimes.

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