Swine Flu...


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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
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Everybody in my school is talking about Swine Flu. Many schools in my state (Massachusetts) have closed due to Swine Flu. What is your opinion about it? Have any schools near you closed because of it? :)

EDIT: sorry if there's already a topic about this! I didn't see one but I wouldn't be surprised if there is one already!

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I'm pretty sure there already is a topic like this...

Anyway, no. It's too much of a fuss. I mean, it's okay to be safe, but they act like it's a plague. :|

LOL it's a pandemic, which is like a plague.

I'm not worried.. yet, anyway.

There's only a few Aussies with confirmed cases, most of them weren't even in Australia at the time.

So, there's like 1 or 2 cases throughout the whole country.


Let me explain myself.

School was supposed to end for us on Friday afternoon, but we got let out today at lunchtime, because the teachers were scared the flu was spread. About 100 kids went home at first, and I remained standing. And then a glorious miracle occured and we were all sent home. [This is the part where everyone jumps out of their seats and performs a spectacular happy dance in honour of the Swine Flu.]

To make things ever gloriouser, today was a gorgeously hot day, so I spent hours and hours outside being a sunshine addict. Thus, I was saved from three hours and a day of Maths, Science, and other such lessons. Ah, the 'mazingness of paranoid students and their parents. xD

In Scotland there's a few cities with suspected/confirmed cases including two freakily close to me O_O And one of my friends was getting freaked because she had all the symptoms, but she went to the doctors and she doesn't have it. But I'm not worried about it, personally. Not now anyway, because it's cold as heck here and the hygiene standards are better than Mexico (no offence if anyone's Mexican) so people here don't get hit so hard unless they're diabetic or something.

I think someone at my school has it! Hopefully school will let out early! But I'm 99% sure that it wont. My school is weird and almost never gets canceled!

I'm not worried about it. At all. I think everyone's just making a fuss about it because the media is making a big deal about it.

Uhh--no. It's completely curable and no more contagious than the normal flu. It's just some new thing that hasn't been around for a while so people are freaking out.

But honestly--isn't the freaking out kind of over? Maybe it's just here, but no more school's are closed down because we all know that it's not some life-threatening-if-you-get-this-you-die-like-AIDS illness.

Everything's normal here.

I live in Mass. too, & I'm not worried about it at all. :]

I have a shirt that says "F ck Swine Flu" yuup

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The correct term is H1N1 influenza virus or something.

It's in my province, but not my city, so my school doesn't get closed =[

Swine Flu is just like regular flu and thousands of people die each year from it. Do you see schools getting closed for that? no you don't, so why should they close schools because of the swine flu? Because ONE person died from it.

The correct term is H1N1 influenza virus or something.
It's in my province, but not my city, so my school doesn't get closed =[
IT'S IN, well you know what province I'm talking about and I don't want to say it because we both live in the same province and I'm not sure if you want me to say it or not. I'm not scared, I just didn't hear anything on the news/newspaper or anything like that. xDD

And to answer your question, no I'm not worried about it. The media is blowing it way out of proportion. It's as simple as this and works ALMOST all the time. WASH YOUR HANDS!

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i am not worried, just take prevention measures and you will be fine, jeez, on my country there are only 3 persons infected, and they are on quarantine, Mexico is PWNed with so many contagied, i am sorry Mexico, but i take EVERY prevention measure so everything all right! ^_^

IT'S IN, well you know what province I'm talking about and I don't want to say it because we both live in the same province and I'm not sure if you want me to say it or not. I'm not scared, I just didn't hear anything on the news/newspaper or anything like that. xDD
Yeah it's in our province but not MY city =] Mwahaha... I don't know if it's in your city or not though.

LOL it's a pandemic, which is like a plague.
What the heck? Hundreds or thousands of people die every year from just plain old normal flu that anybody can catch. They don't call the normal flu a "pandemic" or a "plague" and Swine flu CANNOT compare to those statistics (At least I don't think it can) It's going to eventually stop spreading. In fact, I think that it's basically over. The media is making a huge deal about swine flu because there's nothing really exciting going on now-a-days. To support the fact that the media is making a real big deal about it, I remember when the mad cow was going around. I'm pretty sure people weren't making this big of a deal about it. Sure, everyone was probably paranoid about catching it, but the media wasn't obsessing over it. Like Diva said, it's pretty much curable now.

I think people only die from Swine Flu if they a) have a weakened immune system b)have a respiratory problem, or c) don't get medical help. We talked about it in my Cell Bio class.

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