Swine Flu...


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I know 2 people who have minor cases of the Swine Flu so the school didn't close. They've been out for weeks, so I am kind of scared. And it could spread. :D

I'm not worried at all, I don't see the difference between normal flu and swine flu, and not many people die from normal flu. I think the only difference is that swine flu comes from pigs... I don't really see how it's more dangerous. Although the amount of deaths in Mexico is worrying, in the UK I think only one woman died and apparently she had a lot of other medical issues. Besides, no-one around where I live has got it.

No biggie.

My Spanish teacher's kids got Swine Flu, and they're fine now (as well as with a person in my class' sister)

Cecib :D

Meh , I live in Canada .

We get some kind of flu

Outbreak every year and

More people die from that

Then Canadians died from

The Swine Flu , And we

Basically have some kind

Of immunity to this stupid

Thing , plus most cases are

Mild and aren't deadly, so

I am not worried at all.


No, I'm not scared of outbreaks.

And I doubt it even barely exists where I live.

My state( Texas) had like 1000 infected in it. Travis Elementary closed but my Country of orgin(China) is worrying like to much and i think they went to far. im not worried though. theres no sign of swine flu anywhere in my area.

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