Swine Flu!


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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2005
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I am really worried, I went to las vegas and La this easter which i think is quite near to mexico, im not sure.

My school was closed down for 10 days as loads of people had swine flu, and last night i returned back to school to find out i have and had all the symptoms of swine flu except vomiting and my temperature was 38.9 which apparently is really high, so i've been sent back home and I find out if I have it on wednesday, I am so scared because a woman has just died of swine flu, the first one in england, and I don't want to be the second!

I am so scared, is there anything you can do to prevent it?


The first death in the UK was a lady who lived in Scotland (not England).

She had been suffering from "underlying health problems" and had recently given birth. That means she was already ill with other things and that made the swine flu more dangerous to her.

For most people having swine flu is just like normal flu. However if someone is already sick it can become more serious.

In any flu outbreak, unfortunately, we will see a small number of deaths and that doesn't change the fact that for the vast majority of people contracting this virus the symptoms are relatively mild. From what you say, it sounds to me like if you have had it, you got mild symptoms. That's good and it means you will have an immunity to the virus.

Your house will already have received a leaflet about how to avoid spreading swine flu. If your school was closed because of swine flu then your family will also have received advice about it.

There's no more a tamagotchi community forum site can tell you really :wacko:

Just make sure you use a tissue and cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough. Wash your hands regularly to make sure you are not passing on any germs.

Don't worry. Just stay clean, but don't be a germaphobic or hypocondraic(sp).

It's not as bad as everyone thought. Don't worry, my school didn't receive a leaflet either. It's died down a lot, I haven't even heard about it in a few weeks.

If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about. Hope I comforted you a bit.


I thought Swine Flu wasn't as deadly as once thought. I thought they found out it wasn't that bad. I is confused now. D:
It's no more dangerous than the normal flu. People just hype it up because it's a recent 'outbreak' whereas the flu is more predictable and there are vaccines to prevent it.

I think it's that Swine Flu doesn't have a vaccine yet, so it makes people more paranoid.

Don't worry about swine flu. If you get it, you won't die unless you already have some sort of immune-weakening disease, like AIDS or something.

like stay really clean. use hand sanitizer and bathe often well of course! but really Jolty's right. And if your school was closed for only ten days that's ok because probaly kids had symptoms of it but didnt really have it because if it was like serious swine flu your school would have been closed for like a month

Thank you for everything guys, yes I talked to my matron she said its all hyped up because its a new thing and they are scared it might mutate into something worse!

But, my results have come back NEGATIVE :] so I'm going back to school tonight, to lovely exams haha :)

Thank you once again!

All my lovee xx

I thought Swine Flu wasn't as deadly as once thought. I thought they found out it wasn't that bad. I is confused now. D:
The only people that died already had health problems that made swine flu more dangerous.

There was one case in my town, but the person recovered fine as if it were a normal flu (Which it is.)

Swine flu is around in NZ at the moment so I must be careful. My school newsletter said if one person with swine flu comes in contact with a student or staff for just a day the whole school can be closed for a week.

there is some cases of swine flu at the middle school im going to next year....some dude brought the virus in the school and the school is closed for a week. :D and thats the school my cousin goes too. :D

The swine flu is just like a normal headcold, and you can only get it once. I've already had it and I got over it. So don't worry if you have it (Unless you are already diagnosed with a serious illness) it will be fine.

Sugary~ =D


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Thank you for everything guys, yes I talked to my matron she said its all hyped up because its a new thing and they are scared it might mutate into something worse! But, my results have come back NEGATIVE :] so I'm going back to school tonight, to lovely exams haha :)

Thank you once again!

All my lovee xx
Yaay! -Huggles-

It's okay, two of my cousins had Swine Flu but they recovered. Most people do recover.

Alot of people in my area have Swine Flu. Old people were supposed to come to my school and my choir group were supposed to sing to them, but they wasn't allowed into the school because of Swine Flu. But there hasn't been enough cases to close the school yet.

I'm not worried. It's JUST the flu. Nothing to fret about.

It's nothing worse than the normal flu. The media is just exaggerating it.

I'm not worried :>

I'm not too worried.

It's not all that bad, actually.

Some girl's dad had it, and the girl attends my school. And then another girl who goes to my school had been diagnosed with it. None of them are dead yet. Don't worry. As Tess said, it's nothing worse than the normal flu, and people are just making too big of a deal out of it.

We did a "Monde en marche" article about it. It's now called H1N1. It was in a funny font, so th whole time, my friend thought it was Hini xDD Aaaand, you cant die from it, unless youre already weak. Its just like the normal flu, basically.

A few weeks ago my entire family was sick the entire week with an insanely high fever and other flu-related symptoms. My mom said it was probably H1N1 because we all get flu shots every year, and it was really the only sickness going around. We all got over it, and assuming that it actually was H1N1, it wasn't any worse than the normal flu.

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