Switching my Tamagotchis' insides around.


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2008
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Hey all! I just "dissected" my Tamagotchis 'cause I thought it'd be interesting to put my V4's machinery inside my old silver V3. But there's just ONE thing I don't know how to deal with. The speaker/sound part of the Tama. Connected to the little green chip/board, are two small wires, which are connected to a thin metal disc which is glued with some sort of yellow stuff (I think) to the plastic back of the Tamagotchi (not the back cover, the part that you take off AFTER you take off the back cover). How do I get out the Tama's speaker/sound part (without destroying anything of course) and insert it into another Tama shell?

I hope experienced Tama surgeons know what I mean.

I'd really appreciate a little help! :D

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Find somebody handy with a soldering iron.

I have done this as-well... Like binary said use a solder gun BUT,with Adults Supervision/Permission ONLY. Why, So you can be safe. I don't want you to get hurt.

Hope I Helped,


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Hm...don't think I have one of those in the house. Oh well. Thanks for letting me know anyway, guys!

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