Taco's Magic White On log!


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2020
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Hey guys!

The long-anticipated moment has arrived..

I got my very first Tamagotchi!
It is the Magic White version of the Tamagotchi ON.

So in this log, I won't be posting pics, sadly.


Friday, 27/11/2020.

I started up my new Tama, filled in everything, and got ready for my egg to hatch!
It hatched into.. a girl, which my dad named Daisy. 

I took care of it, then it took a nap for, like 3 minutes. I woke up the screen to see that it had pooped on the spot.

Not long after, it had evolved into Chiroritchi, a good care character!

So I immediately got to getting out and earning gotchi points.

That's it for now, see ya next time! >w<

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Congratulations, Taco! I'm glad that you've finally gotten one! :D

Good luck with the raising and the log, and don't forget that if you do want to start adding pictures, it's best to use an outside hosting service like Imgur to do so. :)
Thank you! I actually don't use a phone or anything to take pictures- I use a digital camera.

Aww, your dad named your first tama ^_^ I sometimes let my family do that, mostly my brother. Are you going to let your dad name any more tamas? :huh:
Well, when my egg hatched I said "iT hAtChEd iNtO a gIrL aHh" and my dad said "Why don't we name it Daisy?" XD

Weeeeeeee!!!! That's AWESOME!! So happy for you Taco!!! Enjoy the ON, it's a marvelous experience! xD The anticipation will have been worth it!! :lol:
Thanks everyone for the nice comments :D  

Alright, here we go with today's log.


On Saturdays, me and my family usually buy something for breakfast, so today we went to my brother's house (and i brought chiroritchi ofc)

Well, juust before that we zoom back in time to 7 am.

Chiroritchi woke up. She wasn't crying of hunger. She was fine. Happiness bars were in the green. Totally not what I was expecting. (Is this normal?  Idk, just totally weird to me)

Alright, now we zoom to after we came back from my brother's house.

I was quite sleepy after lunch, so I played with Chiroritchi for a while then dozed off.

I woke up to the sound of beeping.

Sleepily, I woke up the screen- to see that Chiroritchi had evolved- into Hanbunkotchi!

Now, we zoom to 6 pm.

I was just playing with Hanbunkotchi, when Kandentchi came. (You all know what that means.. :( )

Yep. I got the "low battery" notification.

But actually it wasn't a big problem.

I took my AC remote batteries  and Tama batteries and switched them. Simple.

  • Ah, now for updates. 
  • We have unlocked Food Town and Tama Farm!
  • We have a Tamapet and after quite a few marriages, we are left with this blueberry-coloured squirrel.
  • Hanbunkotchi should be an adult by tomorrow! I will create a vote tomorrow on who she should marry!

       That's all for today, see you all tomorrow! >w<

  • Hanbunkotchi: *snores while sleepwalking*
  • ..Uhh, good night everyone!


Hanbunkotchi woke up in the same condition as yesterday. 😕

Happy, but not quite full. And with a poop on the floor. XD

Ok, here are the weird things with my Tama so far.

  • All the diary pictures show the same date, Nov 29.
  • Hanbunkotchi, well, isn't as needy as I expected to see. She hasn't even gotten sick even once!
  • She doesn't even do those little things, like go off on a mini vacation or host a random concert every now and then.
  • She doesn't even dream!

  Ah well, now for updates.

  • Our tama pet is now a floofy white squirrel.
  • I hope to get Memetchi later. We'll see if eating 5 donuts worked. 

That's it for now! >w< 

Welp, seems like eating five donuts didn't work after all.  :p

Hanbunkotchi evolved into Lovelitchi!

We've went around town to see if anyone will send us proposals!
Mametchi and Kappappatchi has sent us proposals!

I didn't turn them down; I simply said I'll think about it, so you guys better vote quick! :D

Vote here: 

Welp, seems like eating five donuts didn't work after all.  :p

Hanbunkotchi evolved into Lovelitchi!
Well, Lovelitchi is the best care character on a lot of colour 'gotchis, including this one! ^_^ Memetchi is considered the worst care character, so you would've had to neglect her pretty hard if you already knew the five-donut strategy didn't work. :(

so Lovelitchi married Mametchi and they had a baby boy; who I named Bunbuntchi.
Bunbuntchi! (I see what you did there XD). I can't wait to hear about how he looks as an adult. :lol:

Ok, here are the weird things with my Tama so far.

  • All the diary pictures show the same date, Nov 29.
  • Hanbunkotchi, well, isn't as needy as I expected to see. She hasn't even gotten sick even once!
  • She doesn't even do those little things, like go off on a mini vacation or host a random concert every now and then.
  • She doesn't even dream!
Just to put your mind at ease on the above:

-The diary thing is normal, mine does that too. The month will stay stored properly, but the date will always be the current date. So all my diary pics now show 30 (May/Jun/Jul/etc) even though I didn't take all my pics on a 30th.

-Yep, as far as I know, they don't get randomly sick. Sickness comes from poop or letting the meters empty. I took care of the same adult for 23 days before marrying him off, and he never got sick once! (except for the usual times in the baby stage).

-The vacation, concert, etc are different per month/period. Currently I'm not getting any of these events either.

-Dreams are unfortunately, quite rare 😢 It will happen though don't worry! It was around a month or so till my Tama had their first dream!

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Phew, thanks for explaining XD

Welp, nothing really big happened yesterday, but there are still some little big things- if you know what I mean. :D

  • after many tries, we finally met the eco triplets! they gave us an eco fork.
  • i actually bought an emergency ring just in case nobody would propose. XD

now for today's updates~

  • bunbuntchi is now a teenager! he's quite floofy, with sparkly eyes and.. blue mametchi ears?
  • we met uwasatchi! she gave us a beauty coupon. which i find kinda useless because you're only allowed to wear accessories when its an adult.
  • we are already prepared to unlock magic land and toy land! now to wait for the 3rd gen to come~

that's all for now, see y'all next time! >w<

idk if you guys can see the pics but let's try

Oh wow, Bunbuntchi is adorable! :D

Incidentally, if you want to embed your pictures into your log, click the top-right corner of your chosen image once you've uploaded it to Imgur, choose to copy the BBCode for the image, and then paste that into your post - this should cause it to display as part of your post, instead of requiring an offsite link. :)


  • i named bunbuntchi and flowertchi's girl Tuliptchi, by the way. :)
  • she is currently a teenager~
  • we have unlocked magic land and starry lab!
  • i am planning to marry.. maybe kuchipatchi or korobattchi, maybe.

That's all for now, see y'all in the next update! >w<

big update lol

First of all, I managed to get to 13 gen (or was it 15?) then I got bored and resetted it :')

Then I made a lot of moola (XD) during the New Year, I made about 30,000 with the Gotchi points I already had.

Then yesterday I resetted it yet again, losing the moola.

Then the time came to take out the batteries.

But we have a problem.

I have no more batteries.

What to do?

I wanna get some rechargeables but they cost around 100 bucks here TvT

Why all the resetting? x_X

Anyway, for rechargeables, did you try getting them online? I got mine from Amazon. I went for the white Eneloops, and they haven't given me any problems whatsoever :)  It cost me something like 50 Euros for a pack of 8 and a charger including shipping  :)  


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