Taking your tama to school.. I need help!


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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2004
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So I am in highschool, and I really dont know what to do with my tama. The take your tama to school thing was easy because all my regular friends knew I was a tama fanatic and didnt care at all, and most of them bought tamas. Anyways, highschool is totally new.. and it seems I was more popular then I expected. Plus there are ALOT of people and already in gym, I see what these people can do (Never happens to me because I dont bug them much). I cant EVER bring out my tama during gym because there are only guys around and some are the real popular who will tear me apart, I cant bring it in science because theres the same problem and I cant bring it in french because all my OTHER friends are on the other side of the class and I cant bring it out in english because I sit right by the teachers desk. I cant bring it out in lunch, because there are people who I hang out with who have otyher friends and might call me names... then I cant bring it out in recess, because we have no recess! I cant bring it out on the bus, kause on my public bus there are people from my school there, so I can ONLY bring it out AFTER school. :) :wacko:

What should I do?

Well i guess its just best to pause it and look after when you have spare time/no- one's around that might care etc. Sure - it will take a lot longer to evolve, but you are also playing with it a loss less as well... :)

You could keep it on Pause but bring it anyway to know that it's nearby.

Or, do what I always do:

When you wake up, set the time on your Tamagotchi to when it'll go to bed. That way, it'll sleep throughout the school day and won't be neglected. But remember to change the clock to the right time when you get home from school. :)

I have the exact same problem. I put it on pause and go to the toilet every once in while to unpause and play with it.

It sucks, but well, can't help it I'm afraid :)

Hey, you know, I used to be one of those people who cared too much what people thought, it is a sad way to live. Tama's are like video games that they guys play, that's all. If playing with tamas make you happy then don't worry what people think.

My teachers have no problem with me having my V3 with me in class. So long as I pay attention and listen and take all my notes down they have no problem with it. Nobody but me and one other person collects tamagotchi's at my school, and everyone is fine with me having my little V3 along for the school day.

And I'm in High School as well by the way.

But my tama stays in my locker during gym class because I'm worried somethin will happen to it.

Let me give you advice with bring your tama to school: NEVER take it to school if its in a form no younger then its teenaged form, or it will be calling for you at the worset times. Also ingore the popular guys, you like tamagotchi's and thats it, do what you want and pay no mind to them.

i know i am a 5th grader so ok i don't know if you like but why not lie to go to the bathroom when you think it want to play eat like that. :wacko:

i know what u should do. be4 schhol put it on full hearts 4 hungry and happy. i never pause mine simply cause be4 school, i fill the hearts 2 the maximum possible. 2 do this, feed it meals until it rejects NOT until it has fulll hearts. that way it will lose hearts slower. with snacks it wnt reject unless sick so just do 2 over the max wich is 4 haerts. im in 5th grade and this works 4 me. but whatever u do, DONT PAUSE!!!!! :huh:


Don't put it on pause that will stop the growth...what you need to do is change the time and make it go to sleep and as soon as you get home or wherever you can play with it change the time back and then it will wake up and then play with it...this will solve your problem and your tama will still grow.

Change the time and put it to sleep, so that it can get older and you don't have to pause it. Also if people make fun of u because u like tamagotchis then they're not very good friends at all.

I'm 27 and my tama follow me at job... some months ago i had tha same problem, and usually i had setted the time in a different mode. This is an example:

Set the 9.00AM at 12.00PM - Your Tama will be asleep at the 12.00 PM and go to bed at midnight... you could play with it a lot after school and take care of him! Don't forget to feed it a lot before you'll go to sleep! <_<

I'm in highschool [tenth grade] and today was the first time I brought my tamagotchi to school, since we just had a vacation. It was pretty easy because sometimes when the teacher was turning away, or even under my desk, I'd be playing with it. [actually, in the middle of my English class my second generation tama was born]

You can always go to the bathroom and play with it, or during a homeroom, or before class starts.

im in gradde 5 so ppl dont call me names cuz like almost every1 at skool had a tama in october

PAUSING IT WILL CAUSE IT NOT TO GROW THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH PAUSING IT... but if you change the time to 1:00 am so that it sleeps it will still grow just remember to feed it before you put it to sleep and when you wake it up readjust the time back to normal.

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[SIZE=8pt]i am in grade 6. i get made fun of by a few people because i play with a tamagotchi. yeah i wouldnt take it out there is way more people in highschool its not that your being afraid its just that, that way you wont have to deal with any problems. i think you best way is to put it to sleep. >.<[/SIZE]
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