Tales of Fate: At war


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Jan 22, 2006
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Within 30 hours, the population of the bandits men doubled after the message of war. Sounds of whizzing of blade sharpeners, of bow strings, of fights among the bandits were very common.

All the prisoners were horrified. most were under the age of 12, and had no older siblings left. Ice was asleep at the moment, and Shiva was keeping a close eye on him.

"I shouldn't had let him go..." Shiva cried. " It's all my fault..."

" We will set attack bases on the northern and eastern borders" King Leif called. " When dawn comes, we strike!"

"Don't you think that we should be on the defensive first?" a lord suggested. " We don't yet know the potential of their brutality"

" We wont hesitate on bringing Frost back!" Leif barked back. " No matter the cost..."

" Yes, King Lief" The Lord replied, gave a bow, and left.

" Clarice, I will assign you and your archers to the North Post" King Leif explained. " And Edmand, you will lead your men on the eastern post."

" Yes, my King" They replied.

" You are my most trustworthy soliders, And I trust that you will show me well in this war. When the time is right, I will accompany you. Good luck."

Dawn broke, and Both sides were ready. Only the no mans land seperated Edmands post from a nightmare.

" We have come here, to rescue the Savior Frost, from the cold, dark hearts of the bandits!" Lord Edmand called to his men, all battle ready. " Will we fail!"

"NOOOOOO!" hollard his men.

" Will we survive!!!"


" Then lets strike!" Lord Edmand raged. The roaring of the men could intiminate the most brave-hearted. The Bandits returned the rampage as their men ran forth, swords drawn, teeth on edge. The first strike was by arrow. The backline of archers had taken the lives of 10 of Lord Edmands troops.

" Were are they!?!" Lord Edmand called. " Clarice's archers should be here by now!"

But Clarices soliders had enough troubles. A raiding group had spotted the post, and raided it. Arrows whizzed by as They defended their post, but an equal ammount of arrows returned. And also Clarice had a very small amount of melee soliders. " We are losing men!" A solider called. " Send for reinforcements!"

" We have! But no1 has come yet!" Clarice barked back.

What will happen next? Will They survive the battle? Or will they win the war? Find out in " Tales of Fate: At war" chapter 2!!
