Tales of TT


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
Okay you may put yourself in the story and at any part of the story while we aren't in a battle you can come in. In the story. Anyway I will start

One night Mamitchi(me) yawned as she prepared to go to bed. But she planned to go on TT first.. "Hey, Admin hasn't been on for a year.." Mamitchi deicided she would ask the guides, but they weren't there either. She checked the list showing who's on, but no guides, FAQ team people. Now there was no one in control of TT!!! Mamtchi quickly Pmed..

*Mametchi_love*! She was also on there looking at who's on & who's not. She saw the same thing! When she went to the arcade, there was no games! :ichigotchi: Then she saw Mametchi 4ever's PM. So she went to her inbox. "Oh thank goodness my inbox is working." She looked at Mametchi 4ever's PM. It said, "*Mametchi_love!* There's an emergency! No one's on except u & me!" After *Mametchi_love* finished reading, she quickly typed a message to Mametchi 4ever. As she typed, she saw...


Medicham12 also came on as quikly as she could.She looked at the onlile list to see how many members will soon join but there was nobody.She PMed ________.She checed her RPG but nothing.She was going to talk about this with...

Mamitchi decided to look at the news but there was nothing but a message reading

I have tooken your beloved guides, FAQ Team people, validating team, admin team and your leader!! Bwahahahahah! From X

Mamitchi quickly send a message to Mametchi love. Medicham was still waiting for a reply.

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Mamitchi decided to look at the news but there was nothing but a message reading
I have tooken your beloved guides, FAQ Team people, validating team, admin team and your leader!! Bwahahahahah! From X

Mamitchi quickly send a message to Mametchi love. Medicham was still waiting for a reply.
The message said, "*Mametchi_love*! I know why no one's here! Some [SIZE=21pt]evil[/SIZE] guy called X stole everyone! If you don't believe me, I have proof! Go see the news now!" *Mametchi_love* read the message & checked the news. She saw that Mametchi 4ever really wasn't lying! She clicked the back button & forwarded the message to Medicham12. Then...


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Tgd went online and realized what was happening. "Oh no!" she cried, desperatly trying to find a reason why all this was happening. Only one thing came to mind. "An evil virus!" she gasped. She went to her inbox and sent *Mametchi_love* a PM saying, "Do you know some information about what is going on!? I have a hunch that it's a virus...and I know for sure that it might ruin TT forever! *Tgd*" She could only wait for a reply. As she waited, she grasped her mouse, trying very hard to keep calm. Suddenly....

Mamitchi quickly looked at role play but everyone's charecter came to life! They didn't break outta the computer though. Mamitchi also looked at the mega adoption centre topic but all the smiles came to life, too! Avvies were gone, role play, news, help topics, codes and- Mamitchi stopped. Mametchi love PMed her again. It said OMG The special tamatalk money is all gone! Tamatalk might go bye bye! We have to raise funds! So Mamitchi PMed everyone on and told them to raise funds. Everyone gave a million dollars but something swooped down and took it. They deicided to investigate tamatalk more and maybe ask Tamazone for help.

Then DreamTama came on as well. She noticed the same thing so she looked at who was online and PMed Mamitchi: hey wat's wrong with tamatalk?

Mamitchi PMed back: Something maybe a virus that will destroy tamatalk. So DreamTama Pmed back and said: I'll check other tama webs for help!! Mamitchi PMed: great! Dreamtama checked the other webs but only noticed that the other webs had one message one them which was........

the same message that TT got. The 6 deicided to keep investigating. All that was left was to look at was suggestions, tama logs, team stories, fanfictions, tama entertainment, art album and the arcade. "We need more help!" everyone said. Then some sprit called to them. "your leader and the other 100 leaders of tamagotchi are having everything in their body sucked by X. X is actually called X-THX." the spit disapeared at that moment, leaving a dog behind..

Until dmoquinn founded X's lab in the right corner of TamaTalk.

dmoquinn got in and he saw Admin, binary, Tama _Love, and Everybody!! (except the people who posted here). He tried to save them but dmoquinn got stuck too!!!

ShiloTama was so tired but her tama had just evolved so she logged onto tamatalk and instantly got a PM from TGD saying 'someone called THX has taken all the guides and admin, we need to save TT!'

Shilo PMed Y and wrote. "i think we should ask our tamas what to do! i thought i heard mine trying to give me advice from my pocket...its SO weird but....we should try"

Shilo- OMG!!!! What does the message say...WHAT DOES IT SAY????

It says: Hahahahhahahahaha! Thinking about getting help from those little pathetic things, aren't you guys? So stupid. I took them away too..... Little boogers tried to stop me from taking yuor admins, I captured them right along. I plan to make them my slaves. X

Shilo: *discovers her screen also with an X* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! not my tamas *crys* what are we going to do!?

dmoquinn: Ha, I found secret in my pocket. And let's see whats in my pocket. A cellphone, Map, aha! a metal cutter.

dmoquinn cutted the metal, escaped and rescued the guides, and Admins. dmoquinn went to a very strange (I MEAN strange)place.

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