Talkin' Tama


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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
United States
ok, so i want to be able to help out people and to be known as someone you can pm for help and actually get a dependable answer from. I don't have any karma points so i know i will probably never get to be a guide. So thats why i came up with the Talkin' Tama's Club. A group of people that are known as the Talkin' Tamas (couldnt think of a good club name) who are known as people that have dependable answers to everybody's questions. If you want to be a Talkin' Tama then PM me please... you dont have to have karma points just a good personality and... thats about it! I'll be waiting for your PMs!

Do users...serve justice... yadidadida...

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Hi, um.. id really appreciate it if some more people would reply because i really want to know if this will work or not, 'k? Thanks

See ya... hopefully!

Well, maybe not through TamaTalk. It would be a good idea for an forum though :(


I think you might need to get to know TamaTalk a little better to achieve your idea.

The opportunity to achieve the aims you have listed are already provided on TamaTalk - in two places:

If you want to help people out with tama information and become noticed as someone who posts dependable, useful answers, the best place to start is the Help for New Tama Owners forum.

There are hundreds of topics there that need someone who can post clear and accurate answers on a regular basis ;)

If you do become noticed and your tamagotchi knowledge is sound, you might be invited to join the TamaTalk FAQ team and help run the FAQ forum. The FAQ team are people that have dependable answers to everyone's questions ;)

Other points you covered ... I really suggest you get to know TamaTalk much better - check out the Users Guide to TamaTalk forum:


You don't need karma to be a Guide. Any members who show (over time) that they have potential to be a Guide could be asked.

It just so happens that many members who show good potential guide qualities are friendly and helpful people and so they've earned positive karma during their time posting on the TamaTalk forums. It hasn't all been earned because they are Guides.

If you don't have any karma points then why not try to get to know the site better and start making the kinds of topics and posts that could earn you karma - it's all explained in the Karma Guidelines ;)

Whilst you're reading through the Users Guide to TamaTalk forum you might look out for the site rule regarding Clubs (#3) and Topic Bumping.

We've asked all members not to make Clubs. TamaTalk itself is like one big club and no one is excluded from joining. Clubs within clubs can generate bad feeling and disappointment.

Topic Bumping is generally discouraged. If you've made a topic or post and no one has replied, be patient. There is no point in bumping it to the top of the forum page every half hour to draw attention to it. That's just spam.

Remember that TamaTalk has members all over the world in different time zones and sometimes replies take a while to start appearing.

Patience is the key :D

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