Talking to yourself.


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
Note this is the crazy Locky458:

ZOMG! XDD It is so fun to talk to yourself in your room while watching tv, with a nice soft a/c while watching tv?

Is it fun for you?

Yeah, I do that alot, mostly in my room but sometimes while I'm on the computer, luckily no one has see me and though I was crazy ^_^ .

D: Usually, I'll be talking to somebody, but they aren't listening, so I just talk to myself. I'm pretty much crazy enough, too X3

I do it alot. xD Its funny to. And people will stare at me and I'll be all, "Do you like milk, I like milk." Buit I only say that every now and then.

Note this is the crazy Locky458:
ZOMG! XDD It is so fun to talk to yourself in your room while watching tv, with a nice soft a/c while watching tv?

Is it fun for you?
I talk to myself more then I talk to anybody else, I dont know why but its fun watching TV & making Random commtents about the show.


it is alot of.

Note this is the crazy Locky458:
ZOMG! XDD It is so fun to talk to yourself in your room while watching tv, with a nice soft a/c while watching tv?

Is it fun for you?
Not realy i prefer talking to "people",lol.

I talk to myself all the time *shrug* I don't think it's weird. If I'm bored and have nobody to talk to I talk to myself. I talk to the TV/games a lot too.

Yeah me to when I get mad I start talking to myself without noticing, xP.

Yeah, but everyone's not around at all times..

People already think Im crazy so it dont make much Difference XP Talking to myself is fun, especially when someone see's ya. One time I was doing it by myself in the pool, my brother was standing behind me for ages then he stared at me, I was freakin Startled and embarrased.

So yes I do, tis fun.

Nah, you're not crazy! It's normal. That's just one way to release stress!

tamasweet2 :D

Note this is the crazy Locky458:
ZOMG! XDD It is so fun to talk to yourself in your room while watching tv, with a nice soft a/c while watching tv?

Is it fun for you?
yea, i talk to my self alot. i find i`m having conversations with maself. xD

Lol...! Yeah I talk to my self a lot too. Some of the time I don't even realize it. I don't know why, but I like hearing my voice better then thinking it in my head. :)

Lol I'm just special that way! :)<

I talk to myself all the time. Mostly when im sleeping though (Sleeptalking) but i dont know what i say, so the next morning my mom will say "did you know you were talking to yourself last night?" And I'd Say "...uh, no". I usually Talk about Really Random things, like last night i was talking to my self in my sleep, and i said "Did you know you forgot to use the Dishsoap! You have to wash the stupid dishes" and thats all i said. But when i talk to myself when im awake, I usually just say "Hi" or something.

Yeah, I talk to myself when I don't have no one to talk to it's pretty fun because I could say whatever I want without people saying things I don't want them to say. Sometimes I compliment myself and I agree with myself. Sometimes I talk to my T.V and videogames. And I told my mom that sometimes I talked to myself and she said I belonged in a mental asylum ^^ Good times, good times :]

I'm hella weird XP

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