Tam Attack! Part 1


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Mimitchi Rulz!

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2006
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One night, Truck the Hinotamatchi was packing a small bag with a pillow, a blanket and some of his favourite toys. He was going to meet his friend Dux the Young Mametchi at Pit the Nikatchi’s house for a sleep over.

“Have you got your toothbrush?” asked Truck’s Mum.

“Yes Mum” Truck replied

“Have you got you’re blanket?” his Mum asked.

“Yes” Truck said.

“The one that hasn’t been torn?” she asked.

“No, I’ve got the other one” Truck said.

‘Well have you got everything I told you to pack?” Truck’s mother asked.

“Yes. I’ve got; my pencil, paper, action figure, teddy bear, bouncy ball, my Remote Controlled Car,” Truck said pulling the items out of the bag.

“My music player, a spare shirt, a hat, roller skates, sunglasses, and finally, a CD”

“Are you sure you’ll be alright at Pit’s house?” Truck’s mum asked.

“Yes” Truck said starting to become frustrated.

“Can I go now?”

“Oh, I guess so, if you’re ready” she replied.

Truck re-packed all his things and dragged it to the door.

“Your father will pick you up tomorrow afternoon” His mother said worriedly.

“Yes. I know. Bye Mum!” Truck said as he dragged his bag out the door.

Truck made his way down the driveway and then down the path. He looked up at the dark sky and saw birds flying back to their homes all around Tama Town.

“Wow! Tama Town really is beautiful at night!” Truck said to himself.

He continued looking at the trees as he came down Androtchi Lane, where Pit lived. He looked down the road and saw Dux walking along the footpath. Truck ran to catch up to her.

“Dux! Wait” Truck yelled down the street.

Dux looked back and saw Truck and waved. Truck’s face went red.

“Hey Truck!” Dux said as she slowed down.

Truck soon caught up.

“What do you want to do at the sleepover? I’ve got my boom box in my bag so we can listen to music!” Truck said.

“No thanks Truck. I’ve got to study for an exam coming up next month. I’ve got to finish that first.” Dux said as she pulled her study book from her backpack.

“Oh, c’mon Dux! Missing one night of homework doesn’t hurt anyone!” Truck whined.

“Well, I suppose I could miss one night, if you’ll listen to my CD that I’ve got in my backpack. I was going to listen to it in the morning when my Aunt picks me up. It’s my favourite, rock!” Dux announced.

“You like rock music too?” Truck asked.

“I love it! Best music ever made!” Dux said.

Truck hadn’t really got to know Dux very well at school. She was always either on the computer, or studying for coming-up exams. Truck was really starting to like Dux.

Truck and Dux walked down the street until they got to number 232. They knocked on the door.

“That’ll be you’re friends, dear!” they heard from inside.

Shortly after, the door opened.

“Dux! Truck! I thought you were going to miss my Monster Movie Spectacular!” Pit said excitedly.

“Sorry we were late.” Dux said.

“It’s ok. We have to watch the monster movies after dinner, and dinner isn’t cooked yet. Come in.” Pit said.

Dux and Truck looked around the house.

“I’ll take you on a short tour of the house.” Pit said.

Pit lead them around the house. First the bedrooms, the toilets, the living room, and lastly the kitchen.

“That smells nice! What is it?” Truck asked.

“It’s potato pie! My favourite!” Pit said.

“And if you don’t like it, Mum will happily make you something else!”

“Pit!” Pit’s mums said.

“What?” Pit asked.

“Where are we sleeping?” Dux interrupted.

“Pit’s older brother, Spark, is on holiday with his dad and he’s coming home in a week. He agreed that you could sleep in his room tonight. I’ve got mattresses so you don’t need sleeping bags.” Pit’s mum said.

“I’ll take you to Spark’s room!” Pit said.

Pit ran down the hall, past the toilets and around the corner to Spark’s room. It was a big room, painted a pale blue. It had a TV, a boom box, a computer and 3 mattresses lay on the floor.

“You can set up your things now” Pit said.

“I want that one near the window!” Truck said pointing to a mattress.

“This one’s mine!” shouted Pit.

The last one left was the one in the dark corner.

“It’s ok. I’ll sleep on this one.” Dux said.

The 3 tamagotchis sat on their beds with their bags and set up.

“Cool Blanket!” Pit said to Truck.

“Yeah. It’s the Gotchi Rock blanket!” Truck said excitedly.

Dux sat on her bed and pulled out a book to read.

“What are you doing?” Pit asked.

“Just reading a book.” Dux replied.

“Dinner’s ready! Come and get it!” Pit’s mum shouted from the kitchen.

The three ran out of the room and straight into the kitchen.

“Yum! This pie is the best!” Truck said.

“I agree!” Dux said.

“Why thank you.” Said Pit’s mother.

“I’m finished. May I be excused?” asked Dux.

“Yes you may,” said Pit’s mother.

Dux wandered outside to watch the sunset. She sat on the wooden seat and looked at the sky.

“Hey Dux,” Truck said as he came through the door.

“Hi.” Dux said.

“Pit wants you to come inside to listen to music, you can use your CD” said Truck as he sat down beside her. Dux moved away.

“Oh, fine. I’ll come inside. Can we listen to Gotchi Rock first though?”

“Yeah, sure!” Truck said.

Truck was starting to think that Dux and himself had more in common than he thought.

Dux stood up and walked back inside. Truck was daydreaming a little and took a while to realize that Dux was gone.

“Hey! Wait” hey yelled

When Truck came back inside to the bedroom, he saw Pit and Dux listening to Gotchi Rock.

<I wanna jump and scream for ‘gotchis! Never been happier to be a ‘gotchi! I wanna jump and scream for ‘gotchis! > the boom box played.

The music was so loud, Pit and Dux didn’t hear Truck accidentally knock over a trophy from the trophy cabinet.

“Oops” Truck said.

Pit turned the music down when he heard Truck’s *I didn’t do it* voice.

“Go ahead. Knock ‘em all down. Spark doesn’t like his Tama Ball trophies after what happened last season.” Pit said.

“What happened?” Dux and Truck asked simultaneously.

“Well, it was the grand final and Spark was playing in his usual position, full forward. His team, south Tama Town Black Cats, only needed two more points to win. Spark’s team’s fullback, Shot, had just scored a goal. The Ball went back to centre field. The Shooters, the opposing team, kicked off. One of the Shooters mis-kicked the ball straight to Spark so he dribbled it down the field to the goal. The Shooter’s Goal Keeper lunged at him, but Spark sidestepped. The goal was wide open with no defenders blocking his shot. He reared his leg back at kicked the ball. He kicked it so hard it shot straight over the goal, around Tama Planet twice and set orbit with Earth. The game ended with a tie and Spark was just so embarrassed that he hasn’t played a game of tama ball since.” Pit explained.

By the time Pit had finished talking about the grand final, it was 8pm. Pit’s mother came into the room and turned the light off.

“Bedtime,” She said

“Awwww! I wanted to stay up.” Pit whined.

“Pit. You’ve got important things to do tomorrow and I’m sure your friends do too. The last thing you need is to be tired in the morning”

“OK.” They all said.

Pit’s mum left the room and they all lie down on their mattresses and shut their eyes. Within minutes the three tamas were asleep.


Several bolts of lightning waked Dux. She wandered to the window. She looked outside but it wasn’t raining.


Now Dux thought that there was something really wrong with that lightning. Number 1 it wasn’t raining and number 2 it was only striking on the sand pit. Dux looked at the sand pit. She saw the sand turn and twist to make a sand whirlpool. The sand hollowed out and a big hole appeared in the sand.

“Pit, Truck. Come here. Look at this.” She said.

Pit and Truck sat up and walked towards the window in time to see a robotic leg spring out of the hole and grip to a bush. The three tamas were getting scared.

Two more legs burst out of the hole and gripped on a bush. The legs pulled up a big robotic body.

“AHHH!” they all screamed.

The robot turned and faced the house.

“What’s it doing?” Pit asked.

“I think it’s aiming!” Truck said.

A circle just below the robots eyes glowed and widened.


The robot fired at the house!

“ahhhh!” the tamas said.

A gaping hole appeared in the wall just beside them. Truck, Dux and Pit ran.

They got out of the house just in time. The robot reared over the house and smashed the roof in.

“MUM!!!” Pit yelled.

Truck and Dux held him back. Pit was struggling trying to get free.

“No! I got to get my Mum!” Pit yelled.

The robot stepped over the house and the circle was glowing again.

“Pit! Leave her!” Dux yelled.

“NO!!!!!!!” Pit yelled.

“Pit! If you don’t run your gonna die!” truck yelled.

ZAP! The robot fired but just missed Pit’s foot.

“OK! I’m coming!” Pit said.




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